De Montfort University just made a huge donation to save Leicester Pride

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Leicester Pride has been saved after a university offered a very generous donation.

There had been major concerns that the annual festival would be cancelled as it struggled to find the funds for this year’s event.

But when a student at De Montfort University (DMU) heard about the event being at risk, he was determined to find someone to help.

The student sent a report of the issues to his university’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dominic Shellard, who immediately stepped up.

The university – ranked 39th in Stonewall’s top employers – has now offered a £10,000 donation, meaning the event can take place on September 2.

A team at the university called #DMUlocal, which aims to contribute to the social and economic development of Leicester, offered the cash.

Pride organiser Martyn Parker said: “We are all absolutely thrilled that De Montfort University has come to the rescue with this funding.

“We really could see no way this year’s event could have gone on without their generosity.

“The entire committee and, I’m sure, the LGBT community as a whole, will be so grateful.

“Leicester is such a diverse and cultured city, it would have been so sad if we had had to cancel Pride this year.

“It is going to be a very busy few months now as we have a lot to sort out, but everyone is up for the challenge and we promise to make this year’s festival bigger and better than ever.”

RELATED: The world’s first bisexual pride parade is happening.

In exchange for the £10,000 funding provided, DMU will receive sponsorship rights, as well as showcasing the community work undertaken by its students and academics as part of their #DMULocal programme.

Amy White, Deputy Head of Public Engagement for DMU, said: “A student saw the Leicester Mercury story on Twitter saying that the festival needed a sponsor or it could be cancelled and copied in the Vice-Chancellor who then let us know. We immediately wanted to help.

“DMU is all about inclusivity and celebrating people’s right to be who they are. Leicester Pride is a great event for the city and there’s a real sense of celebration. We’re happy to help and look forward to September!”

The university has previously been praised by Stonewall, receiving a “highly commended” award for its staff LGBT network.

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