Kellyanne Conway accuses Anderson Cooper of sexism over eye roll

White House advisor Kellyanne Conway has accused CNN anchor Anderson Cooper of sexism after he rolled his eyes at her during an interview.

Conway appeared in the interview with Cooper to defend the firing of James Comey as the Director of the FBI earlier this week by President Trump.

The White House released a statement saying that Comey had been “terminated and removed from office”.

Kellyanne Conway appears in an interview with Anderson Cooper

Kellyanne Conway accuses Anderson Cooper of sexism over eye roll

In the interview, Cooper challenged the White House advisor over the sacking, suggesting that it was linked to an FBI investigation into the President’s inner circle and ties to Russia.

A number of clips were then played by Cooper of the President, then campaigning for office, back in 2016 stating praise for Comey for investigating Hillary Clinton over her email controversy.

Conway responded: “You’re conflating two things that don’t belong together. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I was on your show often last fall saying we were going to win Michigan and how we were going to do it, so that was fun.”

Cooper then gave a pretty big eye roll and continued with his line of questioning.

But appearing on Fox and Friends, Conway has accused Cooper of sexism over the eye-roll.

She said: “[Cooper] had me sit through a bunch of tapes showing then candidate Trump commending Jim Comey about Hillary Clinton’s emails, talking about him etc. And the fact is that they showed all these clips and it showed candidate Trump in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and I said ‘Hey, thanks for the trip down memory lane and talked about winning Michigan,’ and then he rolled his eyes.”

“Let me tell you something, Hillary Clinton is in search of sexism as an excuse for why her disastrous candidacy and campaign lost six months ago. I face sexism a lot of times when I show up for interviews like that. Could you imagine having a male anchor on a network roll eyes at Hillary Clinton or a female representative spokeswoman for President Obama or President Bill Clinton? I think not.”

Watch the segment on Fox and Friends, below:

Conway, who coined the term ‘alternative facts’ was earlier this year laughed at in an interview by an audience, after attacking people who lie on TV – exactly the thing she has been accused of doing.

SNL returned earlier this year, and couldn’t leave one person alone – Kellyanne Conway, AKA ‘Couch Legs’.

Senior White House advisor Conway was last month banned from making TV appearances for a week, and has made less appearances since a number of blunders including citing a fake terrorist incident and defending embattled national security advisor Michael Flynn just hours before he resigned.

Conway last month attempted to redefine feminism – and the dictionary really wasn’t impressed.

Earlier this year Conway claimed she didn’t retweet and respond to a white nationalist and it must have been someone else from her Twitter account.

When confronted by BuzzFeed about her support of a white nationalist, she claimed she didn’t do it and didn’t know who did.

“I don’t know who had access to my account,” she said.

“Let me see who tweeted that. That’s terrible.

“I denounce whoever it is. It will be immediately deleted. Everybody makes mistakes.”

Conway has proven a controversial figure since joining President Trump’s campaign.

Just hours before he resigned as national security advisor, Conway said Michael Flynn “does enjoy the full confidence of the president.”

She also said the next day that Flynn stepped down of his own volition.

Both statements were contradicted shortly afterwards by White House spokesman Sean Spicer.

Conway also earlier this year talked about the fictional ‘Bowling Green massacre’ during an interview.

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