Anna Soubry on gay sex: Of course it’s not a bloody sin

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Conservative Remainer Anna Soubry has laid into Lib Dem leader Tim Farron over gay sex.

Mr Farron, who leads the pro-European Liberal Democrats Party, came under fire last month in a row over gay sex.

In an interview with Channel 4, Mr Farron was asked if he believes gay sex is sinful, but refused to answer the question. He dodged the same question in multiple interviews for a full week.

The row was eventually put to bed in an interview with the BBC, when Mr Farron explained he doesn’t think gay sex is a sin.

Anna Soubry

Anna Soubry, a Conservative who like Mr Farron is a passionate Remainer, laid into the comments in an interview on comedian Matt Forde’s Political Party podcast.

Speaking about Conservative leader Theresa May, Ms Soubry had said: “She’s the daughter of the vicar… there’s nothing not to like about that, there’s no prejudice that you can have.”

Forde quipped: “Unless you’re Tim Farron.”

Ms Soubry continued: “What a mess he’s got into!

“I can’t imagine having a faith that means you can’t say, ‘of course it’s not a bloody sin!’

“I watched the interview [on Channel 4 News] and I was embarrassed for him. It was so appalling and bad.

“I mean, god almighty! It’s 2017 and somebody can’t get it right. It’s just appalling.”

She continued: “I’m not really into all this stuff, I don’t understand it, frankly. I thought God was meant to be loving and Jesus was meant to be loving. I’ve obviously [read the wrong bit].

“One of the things that Theresa May did is she was the person who was a big believer in same-sex marriage. Farron’s got himself into a [mess].”

PinkNews reported last week that the Lib Dems are are using a targeted digital advertising campaign to reach LGBT voters after the row.

Prominent online adverts purchased by the party were targeted at voters looking into Mr Farron’s comments on gay sex, directing them to a page on the Liberal Democrats website, which states: “Mr Farron has an impressive record on LGBT+ issues, both at home and abroad.”

Perplexingly, an unidentified third-party also purchased online ads to promote a PinkNews report that painted a positive picture of Mr Farron.

No such online advertising was purchased by PinkNews. We could not verify the identity of the third party who purchased the ads.

PinkNews Q&A: Submit your questions for Lib Dem leader Tim Farron

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