Mayor of London Sadiq Khan flies Pride flag from City Hall to challenge homophobia

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The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is flying the LGBT Pride flag from City Hall to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.

Marked on May 17 around the world, IDAHOT raises awareness of persecution and hate crimes faced by lesbian, gay, bisexuals and transgender people around the world.

To mark the day in the capital, the rainbow flag is flying from city hall.

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “As Mayor of a city with one of the world’s largest LGBT+ communities, I’m could not be more proud to raise the Pride flag to mark IDAHOT 2017 at City Hall.

“London is a city that doesn’t just tolerate diversity, but truly embraces and celebrates it. I want London to be a place where LGBT+ people feel valued, happy and safe.”

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan

He added: “On the 50th year of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality, it is particularly important to remember those who have been the victims of hate crime.

“From day one of Mayoralty, I’ve made it clear that homophobic, transphobic and biphobic abuse has no place in our city and I will continue to work with the Metropolitan Police and anti-hate organisations to stamp out hate crime in all forms.”

Last month the Mayor launched a new police unit to help tackle online hate crime.

The Metropolitan Police unit, the first of its kind in the UK, will improve support for hate crime victims across the capital.

Five dedicated Met police officers, led by a Detective Inspector, make up the new Online Hate Crime Hub, which aims to improve the police response to online hate by gathering intelligence, improving understanding and testing new investigation methods.

The police unit’s officers have undergone specialist training in order to help identify, prevent and investigate these crimes, including abuse on Twitter and Facebook.

Mr Khan, the first Muslim to hold the office of Mayor, led the city’s Pride parade last year.

The Mayor also got into a high profile spat with US President Donald Trump.

President Trump previously called Mr Khan “ignorant” and “rude” for questioning his immigration policies.

Khan hit back saying Trump is playing into the hands of ISIS with his anti-Muslim rhetoric.

At a recent rally he said he would not allow Trump to “silence” him.

Pride in London recently announced it would be marking Ramadan as part of this year’s Pride festival.

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