A group of students have apologised for playing ‘transphobic’ Lou Reed Song

A group of students have apologised for playing a “transphobic” Lou Reed song.

The students, who study at the University of Guelph, in Canada, played the 1972 hit “Walk on the Wild Side” during an open event for students.

The Central Student Association said that they had compiled a playlist of songs from the 1970’s and 1980’s to play at the event on campus, however, they “realised” that the song had “hurtful” and “transphobic lyrics”.

The group have since released a statement apologising for playing the famous song because of the “transphobic” nature of the lyrics.

However, despite the lengthy and apologetic statement a number of people are struggling to identify which lyrics are transphobic.

The group wrote in the statement, which has since been removed, that to include the song on the playlist, which was allegedly compiled an executive within the group, was “an error in judgement”.

The statement read: “It’s come to our attention that the playlist we had on during bus pass distribution on Thursday contained a song with transphobic lyrics (Lou Reed, Take a Walk on the Wild Side).

“The playlist was compiled by one of the Executives with the intent of feeling like a road trip from the 70s and 80s.

“The song was included solely on those terms and made in ignorance as the person making the list did not know or understand the lyrics.
“We now know the lyrics to this song are hurtful to our friends in the trans community and we’d like to unreservedly apologise for this error in judgement,” they said.

They group added that the lyrics appeared to be “problematic” because the “dehumanise and fetish” transgender people by suggesting they are “wild”.

“While we acknowledge that the song was written with certain purpose and intention, we would also emphasise that media is not always consumed in the ways that it was intended,” the group concluded.

The group took it upon themselves to apologise for the use of the song, despite no complaints being lodged.

In the comments of the statement, some students theorised that the “offensive” lyrics in question may be the part of the song which referred to trans actress Holly Woodlawn.

Some students argued that the song was actually very forward thinking at the time of its release and was not intended to be transphobic, despite what the lyrics may convey in a modern setting.

The song’s lyrics go: “Holly came from Miami F.L.A.

“Hitchhiked her way across the U.S.A.

“Plucked her eyebrows on the way,

“Shaved her legs and then he was a she.

“She said, ‘Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side’.”

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