CNN’s Anderson Cooper had the best response to loyal Donald Trump backer Jeffrey Lord

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Anderson Cooper has stunned viewers in response to a Trump supporter on his CNN show.

President Trump surrogate Jeffrey Lord has appeared on his 60 Minutes show repeatedly over the past year – but this time they came to blows.

Lord was on the show to defend Trump after he reportedly called FBI ex-director James Comey a “nut job” in a White House meeting with Russia officials.

Anderson Cooper

The Republican commentator was steadfast in his defence of the 45th president.

Lord went: “I don’t care what he says to the Russians. I mean, he’s the president of the United States,” Lord said.

“If he wants to say that, if Barack Obama wants to say whatever, if George Bush says I looked in his eyes…”

However, Cooper left the airwaves stunned with his response to the Trump supporter.

Cooper responded by saying: “If Trump took a dump on his desk you’d defend it”

While Lord appeared to see the funny side of the remark, the news anchor appeared to regret his comments swiftly.

He later apologised for the off-the-cuff remarks, writing: “I regret the crude sentence i spoke earlier tonight and followed it up by apologising on air.

“It was unprofessional. I am genuinely sorry.”

Cooper became the first out gay moderator of a presidential debate last year.

The live slip-up was out of character for the host, who has been ardently non-partisan.

Mr Cooper recently revealed that he doesn’t even cast a vote in the election.

He told Howard Stern: “I don’t think I’m going to vote… I don’t think reporters should vote.

He continued: “A lot of reporters don’t vote. It’s a thing.

“I’ve had the debate. There have been years where I have voted because sometimes I thought maybe I should.

“I’ve gone back and forth on it. I don’t want to be influenced one way or the other.”

He continued: “I believe people should vote, but my role is to ask questions.

“I don’t like feeling like I’ve taken a stand. I think it’s something you actively need to fight against [as a reporter].”

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