Online Christian extremist mocks ‘pro-Sodomite’ Ariana Grande fans after Manchester attack

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Warning: The content of this article is distressing.

An extreme Christian activist with hundreds of followers has insisted he has “no sympathy” for the innocent children murdered during an Ariana Grande concert.

The world was stunned by the shocking attack on an Ariana Grande concert in the UK’s Manchester Arena last night.

22 people were killed in the nail-bombing attack. Many of the victims were young, and the youngest was an eight-year-old girl.

Leaders from around the world have condemned the atrocity – but on the extremist fringes, some are openly celebrating the atrocity.

Theodore Shoebat

Theodore Shoebat, a self-described “Christian militant” activist from the United States who has hundreds of followers online, uploaded a clip celebrating the attack.

In the video, uploaded to his website, he said: “In regards to this attack, I really have no sympathy for these people.

“The people who died, the people who were injured, the people who were scared out of their minds, who ran away [screaming]… I really don’t care.

“The types of people who go to these concerts are the same types of people who are responsible for the degeneracy that you see in society, the moral decay.

“They go to these concerts dressed up as whores, dressed up as sluts, they’re pro-sodomite, they’re pro-divorce, they’re pro-infidelity.

“They want evil, they want decay, they want sodomy, they want Sodom and Gomorrah.”

He proceeded to show a picture of several of the victims, mocking their appearance and referring to them as “sodomite lovers”.

Ms Grande, whose brother Frankie Grande is gay, is a very public LGBT ally.

Watch the distressing clip below via Right Wing Watch:

Shoebat previously appeared alongside senior Republicans Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee in a ‘religious freedom’ documentary.

He has a history of violent anti-LGBT rhetoric.

The so-called activist previously made a video claiming Jesus would have beaten gays to death with his own hands.

He claimed: “When you have the sodomites coming out into the streets and the Christians come and beat them up, the people who are beating up the sodomites don’t really get punished because the society is so conditioned that way.

“If there’s a law written in the hearts of the people, then the people who fighting this evil, physically, with their hands, fighting them, beating them up, those people are not going to get in trouble.

“Jesus Christ took up a whip and beat people up in his Father’s temple. Now imagine if sodomites were in his Father’s temple. Jesus would have killed them all. He wouldn’t just have hit them; Jesus got violent!”

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