Queen pays tribute to Ariana Grande bomb victims with minute’s silence at Buckingham Palace

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Queen Elizabeth held a minute’s silence at Buckingham Palace following the Manchester terrorist attack.

The 91-year-old monarch and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, appeared on the steps of the palace to pay tribute to the victims of the concert bombing.

22 people are confirmed dead from the explosion, including children, with 59 injured.

Greater Manchester Police

Members of the royal family, palace staff and guests went silent for a minute in tribute to the victims.

The Queen labelled the attack, which Islamic State has claimed responsibility for, as an “act of barbarity”.

RELATED: This 29-year-old gay man is missing after attending Grande’s concert.

The Queen issued a statement saying: “The whole nation has been shocked by the death and injury in Manchester last night of so many people, adults and children, who had just been enjoying a concert.

“I know I speak for everyone in expressing my deepest sympathy to all who have been affected by this dreadful event and especially to the families and friends of those who have died or were injured.

“I want to thank all the members of the emergency services who have responded with such professionalism and care.

“And I would like to express my admiration for the way the people of Manchester have responded, with humanity and compassion, to this act of barbarity.”
Ariana Grande in concert

A spokesman for Ariana Grande confirmed the singer is “okay”, writing: “We are further investigating what happened”.

The star posted on Twitter that she felt “broken” by the attack.

The 23-year-old American singer posted a tweet to her 45 million followers saying: “From the bottom of my heart, I am so so sorry. I don’t have words.”

The Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, and Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, have also issued their condolences.

The message said: “Like everyone, Catherine, Harry and I are left shocked and saddened by the tragedy that unfolded in Manchester overnight.

“Hundreds of friends, parents, children, and partners are confronting unimaginable grief today, and we send our thoughts to them all.

“We also send our thanks to the people of Manchester for their display of strength, decency, and community that is an example to the world.”

Royal statement

Video from the moments after the attack shows many teenage girls and their parents screaming and in tears trying to flee the venue.

Those in attendance at the concert were evacuated from the arena and train stations nearby had been brought to a standstill.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said: “We are working to establish the full details of what is being treated by the police as an appalling terrorist attack.”

The mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, said: “My heart goes out to families who have lost loved ones, my admiration to our brave emergency services.

“A terrible night for our great city.”

Emergency numbers have been established for anyone who is concerned for loved ones who may not have returned home: 0161 856 9400 or 0161 856 9900.

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