Shocking survey finds racism is endemic among gay men

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A new survey has claimed that “the gay community is racist”.

GMFA, the gay men’s sexual health charity, surveyed gay men of different ethnicities for the findings.

The shocking results found that more than seven in 10 black gay men have experience racism in the LGBT community.


All of the Arab men surveyed had experience racism and believe it is a problem.

Among other ethnicities, 86% of South Asian gay men, 81% of South East and East Asian gay men and 78% of gay men of mixed ethnicity said they had experienced racism.

However less than half (49%) of white gay men thought racism was a problem.

RELATED: Michael Sam calls out ‘terrible racism’ in gay community.

One man featured in the survey, Kane, from Birmingham, said non-white people are treated as “second class citizens”.

He told FS magazine: “The mainstream LGBT community spends time telling the world to stop the oppression, homophobia and prejudice, but it neglects the fact that it is prejudiced in treating BAME LGBT people as second class citizens and often ignoring them”

Ian Howley, Chief Executive of GMFA said: “What our new issue of FS shows is that not much has been done to combat the high levels of racism within the gay community.

“Gay men of colour have told us about their experiences of racism on the scene, on apps, by door staff at gay clubs and even by ex-partners. Racism is not acceptable.

“However, now is the time for action.

“We as a community, led by gay men of colour, need to come together and find solutions to combat racism.

RELATED: Sam Smith “shocked” to discover racism still exists.

“Gay men of colour are living with the passion and desire to fight racism within our community and now is the time for solutions to be made a reality.

“We are better than this. Our community is better than this.

“GMFA will work with gay men of colour to help get the important messages out.”

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