Watch this utterly adorable short film about a shy kid falling for another boy

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A trailer just over 20 seconds long featuring the story of a shy boy falling for another boy has already started a buzz.

The trailer (available below), 25 seconds long, is for ‘In a Heartbeat’, an animated film created by Beth David and Esteban Bravo.

Brokeback Mountain poster parody

Both students at the Ringling College of Art and Design in Florida have said they are “floored” when a Kickstarter campaign for the film reached its goal in just three hours.

The subject of the film appears to have grabbed funders.

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It features a middle-school boy Sherwin, who “runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.”

Bravo explains in a video about the film: “Being gay is a subject that hasn’t been widely explored in computer animation.”

“We want to put out a message of love and self-acceptance to all the kids and young people who struggle to identify as LGBT+, just like Sherwin does,” David adds.

The students have used other iconic films as parodies to promote the film including Brokeback Mountain and The Fault in our Stars.

Fans have been using the hashtag #InAHeartBeat to share their wants and needs to see the full film!

“We’re very touched by the response we’ve gotten so far and we’re happy to know that our project has already had a positive impact on so many people,” say the creators.

The Fault in our Stars parody

“It proves to us that there is a need and a want for media that addresses LGBT+ themes in a positive and lighthearted way,” they add

“And gives us hope that films like this could be more widely accepted and produced in the future!”

Watch the trailer below:

This anti-gay campaign group is pretty annoyed that there was a gay kiss in this cartoon they 100 percent didn’t actually watch.

Warning: Disney is forcing a heterosexual agenda on your kids.

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