WATCH: Randy Rainbow turned ‘covfefe’ into Broadway style musical numbers

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Donald Trump broke the internet this week with one of his many tweets.

The President of the United States sent out a tweet which included the word (which isn’t actually a word) coffee.

WATCH: Randy Rainbow turned ‘covfefe’ into Broadway style musical numbers

The tweet inspired numerous memes and jokes at Trump’s expense.

Randy Rainbow, a comedian, writer and actor known for YouTube videos decided to do his own spin on the typo, and it has to be the best thing yet.

The gay comedian decided to create a satirical artistic interpretation of coffee in a medley of musicals from Broadway.

The brilliant video references Mary Poppins, Oliver, Cats, West Side Story and many more of our favourite musicals.

It jokes about the pronunciation of the mind-boggling word, before talking about the past thoughtful quotes from US presidents.

By far our favourite number in the song is the interpretation of the Oliver hit tune, ‘Consider Yourself’.

The interpretation switches out ‘consider’ for ‘covfefe’ and jokes that Tump “popped an Ambien” before going on Twitter.

“Your crazy tweets are incomplete but you don’t delete because you’re insane,” is also another favourite line.

Earlier this year, the internet funny man made a video pleading with Trump to stop tweeting.

In the side-splitting song, Rainbow tackled Trump’s Twitter tirade against Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe Speech.

Rainbow also hit the headlines last year with a parody of the Broadway song ‘Gary, Indiana”.

The tune took aim at Indiana’s new anti-gay law which allowed businesses to refuse service to gay people.

The new version,‘F**k you Indiana’, is considerably more rude about the state and takes aim at Governor Mike Pence for signing the law.

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