This gay couple announced their break-up through the power of rap

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A gay couple have announced their break-up through a rap video.

Jeremy Wetmore Spann and Blake Larson have been going out for seven years, after first meeting at university.

However, after more than half a decade together the pair have realised that they’re not quite soulmates, and decided to go their own separate ways.

The couple decided to make a splash with their split, making the announcement in a rap video.

Jeremy and Blake

The Arizona couple rap: “As we grew our paths moved in different directions. Started to question, is you really the one?

“When I ask you your dream house you say a high-rise, I’m like hold up, where’s the white picket fence on the side?

“You wanna travel the world and have brunch in Brussels, I wanna settle down and put together some puzzles.”

In the chorus, the pair explain that they will remain friends but that “our romance came to an end”.

They add: “I love your easy-goingness and endless optimism, but sometimes it’s good to look at long-term decisions.

“Would we be together forever? I don’t think so. Our relationship’s been good but I want magical.

“I want the best for you, and the best for me, and going forwards I don’t think that’s Blaremy.

“Now our seven-year story’s been told. That’s a pretty good run for some homosexuals!”

The pair’s “official breakup music video” has already had 10,000 views on Facebook.

It’s getting a lot of love from the pair’s friends and family,

One comment says: “Wow! This has to be the best break up I have ever seen in my life!

“Good for you both to be so creative about it rather than the ugly that it can be. Wish the best for you both!!”

Related: Disney-obsessed gay guy proposed to his boyfriend on Splash Mountain

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