Anti-gay marriage activist has a terrible excuse to explain why no-one went to his rally

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The struggling National Organisation for Marriage has a fantastical excuse to explain why no-one showed up to a rally in the US last week.

On Saturday the group, which was formerly the largest and most influential anti-gay marriage pressure group in the US, held its annual ‘March for Marriage’ outside the Supreme Court in Washington DC.

Fewer than 50 people showing up to the group’s rally, despite extensive promotion online and to NOM supporters.

In its first release since the event, NOM blamed “permit” issues for its lack of supporters.


NOM leader Brian Brown claimed: “We had a great event, albeit a smaller crowd than in past years due to insufficient time to promote the event caused by delays in the issuance of local permits.

“Nonetheless, we enjoyed the presence of many great leaders in the marriage and life movements and committed supporters who came from as far away as California.

“This year’s March for Marriage was co-sponsored by Freedom’s Journal Institute, and we enjoyed the presence of several of their top officials, all leaders in the African American community.

“We are grateful for the energy and commitment of those who attended and look forward to an even larger event next year.”

Of course, their excuses are nonsense.

The group sent dozens of mailouts to supporters encouraging them to attend the event, the date of which was confirmed in mid-April.

A Facebook invitation for the event attracted an impressive zero confirmed attendees.

Last year, Mr Brown claimed people didn’t turn up to the rally because they were at home ‘grieving’ for marriage.

He insisted then: “We expected that the crowd would be smaller than past marches because people are still grieving from the US Supreme Court’s illegitimate decision redefining marriage.

“But continuing the March for Marriage gives supporters of marriage an important event to rally around and come to realize that they are not alone in supporting marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

“So like the annual March for Life, we are very confident that as word spreads, the size of the march will continue to grow every year going forward.”

NOM remains active despite financial woes, missing major fundraising targets and facing federal tax complaints.

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