US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and son booed at NYC Pride

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has said that she and her son were booed as they left a restaurant during New York City Pride.

Haley took to Twitter to complain that she was heckled during the celebrations on Sunday.

NYC Pride March 2016

“We,incl my son, were booed by patrons saying hateful things as we left lunch @ Pride Parade.Our country is better than this. #HateNeverWins,” she wrote.

Haley did not specify what the hecklers were shouting at her and her son.

The ambassador has been one of more vocal supporters of the Trump administration, despite endorsing Marco Rubio during the Republican primaries.

She garnered herself an anti-LGBT reputation from when she served as the governor of South Carolina.

While in that position she opposed a federal lawsuit which would have challenged an amendment to South Carolina’s constitution which banned same-sex marriage.

At the time, Haley said that she believes “marriage should be between a man and a woman”.

“I’m going to stand by the people of this state, stand by the constitution, I’m going to support it and fight for it every step of the way,” she added.

More recently, during the primary elections, Haley said that a Republican president would “respect differences in modern families”.

However, she said that they would “insist on respect for religious liberty as a cornerstone of our democracy”.

On Twitter people responded to Haley’s claims that they were verbally abused, and alluded to the abusive behaviour of the Republican party towards the LGBT community.

One person wrote: “What has the Republican party done to promote Gay Rights Nikki? The vice president thinks a therapy session can change science.

“Yes, you did not deserve it.But think about the company you keep and look who you are currently surrounding yourself with.They represent you

“If you want to change hateful rhetoric, CHANGE hateful rhetoric of your party,” they added.

A different person said: “Your party has done nothing to advance LGBTQ rights. Sorry but guilt by association.”

Another added: “Why not lead by example for your children and speak out against the homophobic and transphobic agenda set by your boss and Mike Pence?

“Like you don’t want to get booed at Pride but you also don’t want to pay it forward. I’m very confused as to what you expect.

“And you’re right: your children deserve better than that. So why not do better instead of blaming others for your own failings?

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