TV hosts: Discrimination against gay people does not exist

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Failed TV hosts the Benham Brothers have claimed that anti-gay discrimination does not actually exist.

Twin brothers David and Jason Benham were held up by evangelicals as religious ‘martyrs’ in 2014m  when their house-flipping reality show was cancelled over their anti-gay activism.

The pair, who had been in line to host HGTV series Flip It Forward, were axed after TV execs were made aware of their long history of extreme anti-LGBT rhetoric and hate speech.
Benham Brothers

The Benhams lived up to their reputation this week, by claiming that there’s no such thing as anti-gay discrimination.

In a column for Charisma News, the pair decried homophobia as fake news.

They claimed: “Discrimination against gay people simply does not exist. To say otherwise is disingenuous at best and misleading at worst.

“Yet the headlines continue, blurring this critical distinction as masses of people are led astray on the issue.”

The pair wrote: “This debate over religious liberty has been framed to suggest Christian business owners are refusing to serve gay people in this country—when in actuality nothing could be further from the truth.

“Religious objections in the marketplace have nothing to do with refusing to service people. Rather, they have everything to do with forced participation in ceremonies, messages and events that are against believers’ consciences.

“Failing to clearly distinguish the lines between people and events, messages and ceremonies will result in a significant loss of freedom in this country. It’s time we start fighting back.”

David Benham previously claimed that same-sex marriage is a Satanic plot.

He claimed: “We’ve deconstructed gender – it’s an ultimate attack on the Creator… you deny truth, then you have a darkened heart, then you displace God. God no longer matters. From there it goes to degrading passion and then a depraved mind.

So this is where we find ourselves as a culture, is with a depraved mind where we’re celebrating and even forcing others to participate in immorality.

He continues: “The Lord wants us to have life, and this whole deconstruction of gender, this whole redefinition of marriage, all of these things is a mask for Satan who is robbing and killing and destroying these people who desperately want life.

“They want to seek the love of a father, trying to find it in the arms of another man and they’ll never find it there.”

David Benham has also previously claimed he convinced a man to renounce his homosexuality – by offering him baseball tickets.

The Benhams have compared their experience of being sacked for hate speech to that of people murdered by ISIS.

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