Same-sex marriage will abolish Mother’s Day, politician says

Delegates of the Greens cut a wedding cake in rainbow colors

The wording of the Marriage Equality Bill in Malta is “ridiculous”, says the Nationalist Party Whip, David Agius.

The bill removes or alters numerous gender terms.

Terms such as “wife”, “husband”, “him” and “her” will be removed and replaced with gender neutral terms.

But Mr. Agius thinks this is a step too far.

Malta Nationalist Party Whip, David Agius

“For God’s sake, the bill is proposing the total abolishment of the words mother and father, husband and wife, even brothers and sister,” he told The Malta Independent.

“You cannot call your parents mum or dad because it is not in the law”, he added.

It is hoped that Malta will introduce same-sex marriage after both the Prime Minister and President pledged to introduce it.

Malta’s President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca delivers her inaugural speech after taking her oath of office at the Grandmasters Palace, in the Maltese capital Valletta, on April 4, 2014. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca was on Friday sworn in as the island state’s ninth president after being named by the prime minister and approved by parliament. The 55-year-old is the second female president of Malta and was previously general secretary of Labour. AFP PHOTO / MATTHEW MIRABELLI (Photo credit should read Matthew Mirabelli/AFP/Getty Images)

The Nationalist Party (PN) has stated that it will vote in favour of the Marriage Equality Bill.

And whilst he supports the Bill, Mr. Agius thinks the terminology will create more legal cases based on discrimination.

“Let me give you a more concrete example. A school teacher wants to send a letter to the child’s father. If the parent decides to protest and claim discrimination, he or she will have every right to do so.”

He also believes that the existence of traditions like Mother’s Day may be challenged.

The PN is proposing amendments to the wording of the bill.

It suggests replacing “mother” and “father” with “spouse”, instead of “‘the person who gave you birth”.

It is also suggests including the term “spouse”, in place of “husband” and “wife”.

Religious groups in Malta are fearful that if same-sex marriage is introduced, the “door will be opened to sperm donation”.

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