Actor James Woods tweets vile transphobic abuse at a gender nonconforming child

BEVERLY HILLS, CA - FEBRUARY 19: Actor James Woods attends the 2017 Writers Guild Awards L.A. Ceremony at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on February 19, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for WGAw)

Actor James Woods has tweeted a transphobic message with an image of a gender-nonconforming child being supported by their parents.

The tweet came nearly two years to the day after Woods appeared in a PSA promising to shine a light on LGBT youth homelessness.

Woods shared a photo of a boy with his smiling, proud parents, holding signs saying: “I love my gender creative son” and “My son wears dresses and makeup, get over it.”

James Woods tweet

He captioned it with a message suggesting that the boy would grow up to be a serial killer.

“This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realises what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage,” Woods wrote.

Earlier this year, the Trump-supporting actor made a homophobic comment about famed out gay broadcaster Anderson Cooper.

White House advisor Kellyanne Conway appeared in the interview with Cooper to defend the firing of James Comey as the Director of the FBI earlier this week by President Trump.

The White House released a statement saying that Comey had been “terminated and removed from office”.

Gif of Anderson Cooper rolling his eyes with the words 'As his butt plug dislodges during a newscast...'

In the interview, Cooper challenged the White House advisor over the sacking, suggesting that it was linked to an FBI investigation into the President’s inner circle and ties to Russia.

A number of clips were then played by Cooper of the President, then campaigning for office, back in 2016 stating praise for Comey for investigating Hillary Clinton over her email controversy.

Conway responded: “You’re conflating two things that don’t belong together. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I was on your show often last fall saying we were going to win Michigan and how we were going to do it, so that was fun.”

Cooper then gave a pretty big eye roll and continued with his line of questioning.

Woods responded with a tweet of the eye roll with the words “As his butt plug dislodges during a newscast…”.

Back in 2015, Woods appeared in a PSA on LGBT youth homelessness for the LA LGBT Center.

In it, he says: “We’ve got you,” along with stars like Elton John and Jamie Foxx.

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