RuPaul slayed Donald Trump aide Kellyanne Conway in perfect Drag Race style

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RuPaul is renowned for his jibes and put-downs, and now he’s taken aim to one senior Trump aide.

The Drag Race queen took to Twitter to slay Counsellor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, after an embarrassing TV appearance.

Conway had been appearing on Sean Hannity’s show at the weekend to discuss allegations of Russian collusion in the 2016 US presidential election.

Kellyanne Conway

She appeared on screen wielding two pieces of paper in an effort “to help all the people at home” understand what she says.

Conway claimed the two signs she held would help viewers appreciate what she is really trying to get across about the allegations against Donald Trump.

She likely new holding up paper signs would become a meme – and she was right.

The internet took no time at all to rise to the challenge.

Twitter user Justin Hernandez immediately turned the appearance into a Drag Race message.

Hernandez replaced the sign’s wording with “Shantay you stay” and “Sashay away”.

The classic RuPaul’s Drag Race lines soon caught the eye of RuPaul himself, who turned things up a notch.

Quote tweeting the post, RuPaul wrote: “I’m sorry, my dear, but you are up for elimination.”

RuPaul slayed Donald Trump aide Kellyanne Conway in perfect Drag Race style

It’s not the first time Conway has found herself in a drag news story.

Patrick Stewart recently realised that his drag persona had a remarkable likeness to the Trump backer.

Posing for a film promo in the days before Conway was famous, the Hollywood actor subsequantly saw the image of him in drag re-shared as the similarities went viral.

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