Homophobic flyers comparing LGBT pride to Nazism handed out by Australia Post

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Hateful pamphlets which compare homosexuality to the Nazis have been unknowingly handed out by the Australian postal service.

The leaflets, titled “The Death of Reason…and the rainbow walk to insanity!” and featuring rainbow flags alongside the Nazis’ swastika flags, were given to residents in a vocal LGBT community, as reported by BuzzFeed.

Beyond this offensive imagery, the leaflets also espoused extremely homophobic views, stating that homosexuality, same-sex marriage and same-sex parents are unnatural.

homophobic nazi leaflet

“God has by natural genetic affection made the only way for the care of children to be in the loving, protectionist privacy of a healthy heterosexual family,” the tract says.

It adds that “state propaganda has morphed from Nazi political perversion into perverted gay activism for abnormal ‘marriage’ equality.”

And what’s more, it repeatedly draws horrendous parallels between the LGBT community and the Nazis.

“The flags of the perverted rainbow are now emblazoned not just on City Council offices, public walkways and in public parades but on Churches as well; for the same reasons the perverted cross (the swastika) was paraded en-mass in pre-war Germany,” it says.

The text also accuses people who post coming out videos of attempting to persuade children to join a heterophobic cult.

Australia is currently embroiled in a political gridlock over same-sex marriage, which has the broad support of lawmakers and the public.

It is understood that the postal service was not aware of the pamphlets’ message because they were hidden in envelopes.

An Australia Post spokesperson said: “As soon as we became aware of the contents of this flyer, we immediately withdrew it from distribution from our delivery network because it is against our terms and conditions.”

nazi rainbow leaflet
Excerpt of the leaflet

Unfortunately, this was not before it had been delivered to homes in Melbourne and Victoria which are in largely LGBT-friendly communities.

Adelaide’s Kevin Bickle was responsible for the pamphlet, which can be found on the website he runs with other street preachers that is named after Goliath’s sword.

This is, of course, despite David being the hero of that biblical tale.

“We weren’t trying to be controversial, but we knew it wouldn’t be popular,” he told BuzzFeed.

He commissioned the postal service to hand out 60,000 of the flyers, but was told by Australia Post earlier this week that the delivery had been halted.

Bickle said: “We’re talking against homosexuality, but not against the homosexuals.

“The tract is not a simile between LGBT people and Naziism. I would never do that.”

This is despite him calling LGBT activism “perverted” in the leaflet, and directly comparing the rainbow pride flag to the Nazi flag.

“It’s just a look at the means by which consumerism promotes things through mass media that extrapolates the effects in our day and age,” he continued.

“You actually have to read it. You have to spend 15 minutes reading it and soaking it up.

“It’s not by any means a quick look at and say: ‘This is unsuitable’. You have to actually read it and let it sink in.

“To be honest with you, I could not see any other way of making it simplified.”

The text is more than 2,700 words long.

He denied targeting the areas for the prominence of their LGBT communities, adding that he planned to get the flyers handed out in “at least four other areas”.

Dvir Abramovich, chair of the Anti-Defamation Commission – a civil rights group – said: “It shocks the conscience that such virulently anti-gay rhetoric has invaded the homes of residents in Melbourne”.

He accused the leaflets of “promoting its message of hate and exploiting the Holocaust to demonise the LGBTQI community and those supporting marriage equality.

“Imagine the fear and intimidation a young person will feel after being confronted with such repulsive slurs.”

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