Gay sex scenes aired in Downing Street as Government marks 50 years since decriminalisation

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Gay sex scenes have been aired in 10 Downing Street.

The steamy shots were shown on a screen in the official state room – better known for hosting world leaders and official receptions.

The revelation comes as England and Wales mark 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality.

Gay sex scenes aired in Downing Street as Government marks 50 years since decriminalisation
Percy Steven (Left), Roger Lockyer (Centre), Michael McManus (Right)

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The scenes of two men having sex were shown as part of an official Downing Street reception for the anniversary.

Against the Law, a new BBC docudrama which airs on BBC Two tonight, tells the story of gay men persecuted for their sexual orientation.

The show – which includes both dramatised versions of true events and real people telling their stories – opens with two men meeting and having sex together.

50 years ago, such scenes in the seat of power would have been illegal and resulted in perpetrators being fired at the least, if not locked up.

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A number of men who were criminalised by the state for being gay attended the Downing Street screening, alongside Equalities Minister Justine Greening.

PinkNews Chief Executive Benjamin Cohen said: “It was beyond astonishing to be sitting in a state room inside Downing Street watching a relatively graphic depiction of gay sex on a big screen, while nibbling on pop corn.

“But that was the point, the event hosted by Number 10 yesterday to screen the BBC drama ‘Against the Law’ would have been unimaginable 50 years ago.

“It was particularly moving to meet many of the surviving men who were prosecuted for the simple crime of falling in love with another man.

“Their stories deserve to be told.”

Against the Law airs tonight on BBC Two at 9PM.

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