Satan loves anal sex, radio host says

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Satan is a fan of anal sex, according to Christian radio host Linda Harvey.

Linda Harvey, a Christian radio host and founder of anti-LGBT Christian group Mission America, made the claim in an article for World Net Daily.

The activist managed to crank out a full 1000-word article about the dangers of anal sex.

She warned: “Anal sex is demonic. There’s no other way to understand it. Using the anus as a substitute vagina is a desire from the pit of hell.

Satan loves anal sex, radio host says

“This is not cool. It’s sexual suicide and human depravity gone mainstream.

“The anus is not a genital, and of course, this act mocks the creation of new life. It is essentially the opposite.”

The radio host insisted: “In the human body, the anus is a death site.

“The anus is the point of exit for the body’s waste disposal system, with all the attributes of decay, including a wealth of bacteria and foul odor. And the rectum cannot accommodate the activity of intercourse without the high probability of injury.

“Only bizarre lusts prompt the use of this part of our anatomy as a substitute vagina. It’s a complete farce, typical of Satan.

“But then, homosexuality is a farce built around posing and substitution. So is gender rebellion.”

Harvey clarifies that anal sex is always a sin, even within a married straight couple.

She said: “Anal sex is degrading and totally unnecessary for sexual pleasure. Like all sex acts before or outside marriage, no Christian should ever be going here. Even in marriage, this is a sinful, ungodly act that literally and symbolically points to death.”

Harvey recently called for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate gay rights groups.

She said: “Now here’s something that deserves a special counsel, the outrageous actions of major homosexual groups trying to normalise this behaviour throughout all of America.

“They continue to twist the truth, blatantly engage in religious discrimination, demand that people lose jobs and corrupt children.”

Explaining her charge, she said: “We oppose hijacking of school bullying programmes to promote the harmful and deviant behaviours of homosexuality and gender confusion.

“Unfortunately, most of America’s students now learn, thanks to these manipulators, that in order to take a strong stand against bullying, you have to accept these behaviours.

“No, you don’t! No-one has to approve of these sins in order to deal effectively with bullying.”

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