Christian radio host: Don’t leave teenage boys alone together because it encourages gay sex

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A Christian radio host has warned against leaving boys alone together in a “same-sex” environment like sleepovers or summer camp.

Linda Harvey, a Christian radio host and founder of anti-LGBT Christian group Mission America, made the claim on radio show From the Median.

The radio host took to the airwaves to warn about the dangers of putting children in a “same-sex environment”, cautioning parents about letting their kids attend sleepovers.

Christian radio host: Don’t leave teenage boys alone together because it encourages gay sex

On her website, Harvey warns: “If you promote sexual behavior to impressionable kids, more teens – especially those with fewer moral bearings—will say, ‘Why not?’

“In same sex circles, homosexual hook-ups can become a daring adventure at camp-outs and sleepovers.

“Opportunity is everywhere that students of the same sex gather or socialize, and it’s one reason homosexuality has traditionally been taboo at schools, camps, and youth organizations.”

Speaking on Christian radio show From the Median, she explained: “What happens is, any time there is any kind of same-sex environment… boys together, girls together, it attracts the people that would take advantage of them, and then it will be someone of the same sex, so access is what these people want.”

“They want access to youth and access even to corruption. It might not be sexual, but it might just be moral corruption of some kind. Their older peers who also are corrupted already. You know, so many kids are into pornography and homosexual pornography is part of that.

“Kids are sexualized early online, you don’t even have to have somebody involved in it. So those may be the people that your kids are in a sleepover with or at camp with, you know, is these kids who are already highly sexualized and nobody may know it, but it’ll come out in the middle of the night.

“This is something to be very cautious about.”

Listen to the clip via Right Wing Watch:

Harvey recently called for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate gay rights groups.

She said: “Now here’s something that deserves a special counsel, the outrageous actions of major homosexual groups trying to normalise this behaviour throughout all of America.

“They continue to twist the truth, blatantly engage in religious discrimination, demand that people lose jobs and corrupt children.”

Explaining her charge, she said: “We oppose hijacking of school bullying programmes to promote the harmful and deviant behaviours of homosexuality and gender confusion.

“Unfortunately, most of America’s students now learn, thanks to these manipulators, that in order to take a strong stand against bullying, you have to accept these behaviours.

“No, you don’t! No-one has to approve of these sins in order to deal effectively with bullying.”

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