Woman married a gay man so her sister wouldn’t cheat with him

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A woman purposely married a gay man so that her sister wouldn’t be able to cheat with him.

Maureen appeared on Jeremy Kyle this morning and told the presenter how her sister, Pauline, had tried to sleep with her previous partners.

Woman married a gay man so her sister wouldn’t cheat with him
Maureen married a gay man so her sister wouldn’t cheat with him (ITV)

The two sisters were on the show as Maureen claimed that Pauline was trying to get money after their mother had died.

When describing her sister, who she does not talk to, Maureen said that she is a “bully, rude and nothing but disrespectful”.

She also calls Pauline a “loose woman”.

Kyle, who often fixes family feuds on his day time television show, said he was “trying to get his head” around the dispute.

“I’m trying to stop her from causing trouble again in the family,” Maureen explained.

Kyle then asks about what it is Pauling tried to do with Maureen’s late husband.

“You say she tried it on with your husband?”

“Yeah but she found out he was gay,” Maureen laughed.

Kyle looks shocked, and Maureen explains.

“I thought if I married a gay man she won’t take him.”

“You married a gay man so that your sister couldn’t get off with him? That’s the best line ever,” Kyle added.

The audience are in hysterics at the confession, which has been broken down by Twitter.

One person wrote: “What is the Jeremy Kyle show? Surely these aren’t real people? ‘I married a gay man so my sister wouldn’t steal him’ WTF?!”

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