Margaret Court blasts same-sex marriage plebiscite in Australia because of ‘moral values’

Former tennis champ Margaret Court has become infamous for her anti-gay rants in recent months.

The ex-pro declared she was boycotting Qantas airlines because of their support for LGBT equality, before saying “tennis is full of lesbians”, which was intended as an insult.

She also compared trans children to the Nazi’s regime.

Now Court has lashed out at plans to let Australians vote on marriage equality in a plebiscite.
margaret court wins wimbledon

The 75-year-old published a letter in the Western Australia newspaper explaining her take on the proposals.

“We have, ever since foundation, been a proud nation, a nation which people migrated to – to the extent that it eventually had to be restricted,” she wrote

“Australia’s moral values are the envy of the world; nobody wants to leave and there are plenty in the queue wanting to get in.

“If we have to vote, let us vote ‘no’ to gay marriage for the sake of Australia, our children and our children’s children.”

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has proposed a national postal vote on marriage equality – which is estimated to cost $122m.

Turnbull says he would not pass equal marriage without the public “giving their support” in the mandate.

Although the vote would not change the law, Turnbull says it will clear the way for the government to make the marriage act amendment.

“Our policy is very clear,” said Liberal leader Turnbull to the Senate.

“We will not facilitate the introduction of a private members’ bill on this matter unless the Australian people have given their support through a yes vote through this national vote that we are now undertaking.”

The controversial vote, which is being challenged in the country’s High Court by Andrew Wilkie and marriage equality advocates as it could be “exceeding executive authority”, is still being hailed by the PM as the only path towards marriage equality legislation.

Australian Labor leader Bill Shorten accused the PM of being responsible for “every hurtful bit of filth” that comes out of the controversial Australian equal marriage postal vote.

In an impassioned speech against the voluntary vote, which will not be subject to laws preventing malicious or misleading campaign materials, Opposition leader Shorten said Turnbull is to blame for the “hateful ideological hobby horse” that will “saddled up”.

Ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott also urged the public to vote “no” against the bill, in spite of facing a horde of criticism from his gay sister.

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