Aaron Carter says Backstreet Boys brother Nick Carter hasn’t been in touch since he came out as bisexual

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Singer Aaron Carter has had a lot of people talking since he came out as bisexual.

The singer songwriter revealed that his girlfriend had dumped him after he revealed he was attracted to men as well as women.

But one person who still hasn’t been in touch is his Backstreet Boys brother Nick.

Aaron Carter party poster

Asked whether his older brother had sent a congratulatory message or commented on the news, Aaron awkwardly replied: “Um, no, he…” before stumbling over his words.

The bisexual performer looked visibly upset as he described the lack of response from his brother.

Answering the question more clearly later, he claimed that “me and my brother are wonderful.”

RELATED: Why it’s sad that Aaron Carter’s relationship had to end when he came out as bisexual

The brothers have not always had a great relationship.

Last month Nick posted to Twitter after Aaron was arrested.

He wrote: “To my brother: I love u no matter what & if u feel the need to reach for help, I am here and willing to help you get better.

“Family isn’t always easy, be [sic] we’re all here for you.”

Despite the message of support after the arrest, Nick hasn’t posted something similar since he came out.

The tweet was not well received – with Aaron asking why he had posted in a public forum, but not made contact privately.

“If my own blood (Nick) truly cared about my well-being, why wouldn’t he call me directly and have a conversation instead of making this about him through a very public forum?

“That’s not cool at all to use me for his PR and kick me while I am down. I love my family despite it through thick and thin.”

Aaron performed at gay venue Hamburger Mary’s in his hometown of Brandon, Florida, after coming out.

He performed his new single ‘Hard to Love’ which he wrote about his ex girlfriend who broke up with him earlier this week.

“I just want to say thank you for all your love and support with the LGBTQ community and my announcement,” he told the crowd, breaking down in tears.

“It means a lot. Yes I am a bisexual man… I just want to say I am who I am…”

He added: “I just want to say thank you again for believing in me and even if you don’t, I’ll still love you.”

The performer formally came out last week and has been inundated with positive responses from fans since.

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