Horrific photos show ISIS terrorists throwing a gay man off a roof

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WARNING: Graphic content.

The terrorist group known as ISIS has released pictures of a man being thrown off a roof in Syria.

Thousands of LGBT people have been displaced in Iraq and Syria, as the terrorist group known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
continues to actively target and execute gay men.

This week, the group’s propaganda agency released three pictures of a man being executed for suspected homosexuality.

The pictures were identified as being taken in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, though differing reports identify the location as Damascus.

The first photo shows the man being dangled from the top of a high building by three assailants.

Horrific photos show ISIS terrorists throwing a gay man off a roof

The second pictures shows the man after he has been pushed off the ledge, plunging to his death.

Horrific photos show ISIS terrorists throwing a gay man off a roof

In the third picture, too graphic to post in full, his bloodied body is shown on the ground, as the crowd jeers and pelts him with stones.

Horrific photos show ISIS terrorists throwing a gay man off a roof

Other pictures released by the propaganda agency show the enforcement of horrific brutal practices, including amputating the arm of a thief. Pictures also show people being whipped and lashed with a cane for minor infractions.

Iraqi forces recently retook the ISIS stronghold of Mosul.

The city, which has been occupied by the so-called Islamic State since June 2014, has been central to their homophobic propaganda campaign.

Many of the group’s ‘death to gays’ execution videos that have reverberated around the world were filmed in Mosul.

The gory clips, dozens of which have been released over several years, feature men accused of homosexuality being thrown from rooftops in the city.

A recent report from the Human Rights Campaign highlighted how men alleged to have sex with men are hunted down by ISIL, targeted on social media and subjected to extreme violence.

Among the vicious attacks: ISIL has tied nooses around these men’s necks and dragged them behind trucks, burned them alive, thrown them off buildings and stoned them to death.

The report states: “ISIL has unleashed a reign of terror against civilians and vulnerable minorities living in areas it has seized, including barbarous violence against LGBTQ people.

“ISIL’s extreme ideology is interpreted by its followers to require the death penalty for those who engage in sexual relations outside of heterosexual marriage, including same-sex sexual relations.”

Responding to reported executions of gay men by ISIS last year, Stonewall said: “The reports coming out of Iraq and Syria are horrific and yet another reminder of the dangers posed by ISIS to anyone who doesn’t conform to their view of the world.

“ISIS are not just a threat to gay people, but a whole range of groups who simply seek to exercise their fundamental human right to be themselves.”

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