Fox News pundit: Rainbow flag and Confederate flag are ‘the same’

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

A Fox News pundit has claimed that the LGBT Pride flag represents “the exact same thing” as the Confederate flag.

There has been a concerted effort in recent years to remove old Confederate monuments in the US, with the Confederate flag seen as a racist symbol due to its connection with slavery.

A man waves a rainbow flag in front of pro-Confederate protesters (Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

But shockingly, one Fox News guest apparently doesn’t see any difference between that and an LGBT flag.

Appearing on Fox & Friends this morning, conservative pundit Star Parker from the Center for Urban Renewal and Education suggested the two flags stand the “same thing”.

She said: “What’s really interesting with an incredible irony here is that the same people that are demanding that the Confederate flag comes down are the same people that are insisting that the rainbow flag goes up.

“These two flags represent the exact same thing: that certain people groups are not welcome here.”

Addressing criticism of Donald Trump from Democratic leader Nanci Pelosi, Parker argued: “If Nancy Pelosi wants to say that we’re going to start shutting down First Amendment rights of a certain group of people, then what happens the next time that the homosexuals want to walk through an American city and protest, and counter-protesters come out?”

She also claimed: “David Duke thinking that we’re going to go back to the Confederacy is just as wrong as the hard left that thinks this country is not about traditions (…) and e pluribus unum, many becoming one, not the multiculturalism and diversity that they keep promoting.

“There is a cultural war, and it is escalating.”

Check out the clip:

Parker is a strong opponent of LGBT rights who previously argued that gay people should be banned from the military.

She argued: “As a Christian, I believe in the truth of traditional morality as transmitted to us through our biblical sources.

“I believe, along with George Washington, who stated clearly in his farewell address to the nation, that religion and traditional morality are critical to the maintenance of our free society. Homosexual behavior is unacceptable by these moral standards.

“Our military is a quintessentially public institution. Its acceptance of behavior unacceptable by traditional moral standards means official public sanction of this behavior and, in my view, this is a big mistake.”

She later claimed that same-sex marriage is a sign that “we are sick as a country”, and that offering marriage equality to gay people is like “serving up another glass of wine is the way to help a drunk”.

She wrote: “Amidst this dismal picture, the DC City Council, perhaps on the theory that serving up another glass of wine is the way to help a drunk, is scheduled to vote on December 1 to legalize same sex marriage in America’s capital city.

“It should concern every American as we watch our nation’s capital city transform officially into Sodom.”

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