Trump just looked directly at the Sun while an aide yelled don’t look and Twitter can’t cope

Photos of Donald Trump looking directly at the sun during the solar eclipse have gone viral.

Reportedly an aide yelled “don’t look” as POTUS squinted into the sun for some time.

Photos of him later with special glasses on were also tweeted.

But not before Twitter had some fun with the original glasses-free photos.

One user wrote: “The big orange gaseous blob that will one day kill us all – looks at the big orange gaseous blob that will one day kill us all.”

Another added: “I cannot handle this right now.”

And a third simply said: “Can’t wait for the photo of Donald Trump squinting directly into the eclipse to go viral.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was pictured from the start wearing the protective glasses, and looking much cooler.

Trump’s approval rating last week hit an all-time low.

The low approval rating for Trump also comes after his first 100 days were a disaster for LGBT+ people in the US.

He most recently banned transgender troops from serving openly in the US military, claiming that he was doing a “great favour” to the military.

He cited costs, saying it would be too expensive to cover transgender health benefits for those serving.

But despite this it will cost the military 114 times more to ban transgender troops than it would to allow them to enlist.

Despite the assertion that it would cost the military too much to implement a transgender-inclusive policy, the Department of Defense spent five times more on Viagra in 2014 than it would on care for transgender troops.

Out trans former Navy SEAL Kristin Beck challenged President Trump to tell her to her face that she is “not worthy” after he announced the policy.

She also noted the negligible cost of providing the healthcare to trans troops compared to other military costs.

According to reports, the Pentagon was unaware that Trump was about to announce the rolling back of the Obama-era change.

It is not the first time Trump has gone out of his way to reverse a decision on LGBT rights made by Obama.

The GOP leader has already scrapped protections for transgender school kids, ceased government opposition to state-level anti-LGBT laws, and sought to slash HIV aid funding.

The decisions sour Trump’s previous claims during his election campaign to be a “friend” of LGBT people.

Merck boss Kenneth C Frazier and Donald Trump

In a speech directly after the Orlando massacre he had claimed: “Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the L-G-B-T community, Donald Trump with his actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words.”

He also won endless praise from gay Republicans for waving a Pride flag on stage, while making no pledges on LGBT rights.

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