Neo-Nazis are campaigning against equal marriage in Australia

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A far-right white supremacist group is campaigning against equal marriage in Australia.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is pushing ahead with plans for a public vote on equal marriage next month without permission from Parliament.

Ahead of the vote there has been a string of extreme homophobic hate incidents in the country.

In one of the most disturbing examples to date, a neo-Nazi group has begun a poster campaign in Brisbane.

The Australian Traditional Nationalist Group, which claims to “advocate the protection of white identity and the Traditional Western values rooted in Christian and Pagan traditions”, is behind the posters.

Their posters say: “Mothers and fathers love is irreplacable” and “traditional marriage must be protected”.

Neo-Nazis are campaigning against equal marriage in Australia

The group bragged about their posters online in a Facebook video which quotes British fascist Oswald Mosely.

The video is titled Tomorrow Belongs To Us, a reference to fictional Nazi anthem Tomorrow Belongs To Me from the musical Cabaret – which has been adopted by global neo-Nazis despite being written by a Jewish gay man.

The group added: “Why did we do our #voteno poster campaign?

“Because there is an organised effort to silence people who want to protect our traditions.

“This is a ridiculous attempt to silence the majority and to force this nation to just accept what a small minority want.

“Why is this happening? Because this country, like every western nation is run by a global rootless authoritarian organisation which promotes cultural Marxism to destroy the traditions and sovereignty of our peoples.

“It is imperative we stop this tyranny by acting every day… [we must] make our voice be heard.”

Ahead of the vote there has been a surge in homophobic hate speech in the country, with leaflets distributed in Sydney bearing the slogan ‘stop the fags’ and linking gay people to ‘child predators’.

The ‘Coalition for Marriage’ has recently put out materials suggesting that letting gay couples marry will deprive children of a normal childhood and make them transgender.

Meanwhile, leading politicians have brandished the slogans ‘it’s Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve’ and compared gay weddings to marrying the Eiffel Tower.


Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently defended the vote despite the string of incidents, responding by telling people to hug their gay friends.

Opposition leader Bill Shorten has been harshly critical of the PM for pushing ahead with a postal vote.

He said: “There will be no protection against ballot fraud, electoral bribery, intimidation, interfering with the electoral roll or publishing misleading and deceptive material.

“[The Prime Minister] is giving his blessing to billboards, websites, pamphlets, TV advertising and online material that will vilify and demean LGBTI Australians and their children.

“We know this bile will end up in the playground, in the schoolyard and on the sporting field. The slogans will be shouted at the children of same-sex couples. Young people who are gay will be confronted by it on social media every day.

“I loathe the trolls and the haters but I expected more from the Prime Minister. I hold the Prime Minister responsible for every hurtful bit of filth this debate will unleash.

“That is not because the Prime Minister has said it, not because the Prime Minister agrees with it—he clearly doesn’t—but because the Prime Minister has licensed this debate.

“You are the leader, Mr Turnbull; you have given permission. I will never hold you in the same light again. I hold the Prime Minister responsible and Australians will too.”

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