Shocking leaflet in Australia claims equal marriage will lead to women getting raped

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A shocking leaflet in Australia is urging people to vote ‘no’ to same-sex marriage to avoid getting raped.

The bilingual leaflet, printed in English and Chinese, was distributed among the Asian community in Hurstville, Sydney ahead of a public vote on equal marriage.

The leaflet, which was posted on Twitter by equal marriage campaigner Sally Rugg encourages people to vote no to equal marriage by raising fears about transgender rights.

It says: “If same sex marriage legislation is passed, it would be a threat to the safety of women, creating great fear and harm to them.

“For by then, there would be no separate public toilets, changing rooms or shower rooms for male and female.

Shocking leaflet in Australia claims equal marriage will lead to women getting raped

“The transexual ‘counterfeit’ women will be protected under the law, to enter the female toilets including those at schools legally.

“This may give rise to the rapists who may masquerade as a ‘transgender woman’ sneaking into the public ‘forbidden land’ for men.

“These places may then become easy sport for rapists to target a woman victim.

“The number of victims being raped in public female changing rooms and bathrooms in those countries that has passed the Same Sex Marriage Legislation is a stunning fact to all.”

The claim that rapes have increased in countries with equal marriage is false.

PinkNews warned earlier this week about the likelihood of anti-gay marriage campaigners in Australia adopting anti-trans bathroom smears as a wedge issue.

This tactic has already been deployed to great effect in America – and it’s been worryingly successful.

In the city of Houston, anti-LGBT conservatives used the issue to convince voters to repeal discrimination protections for LGBT people that polling showed they overwhelmingly supported.

Following on from that win, the US-based campaigners have developed a box of identikit dirty tricks to replicate this manoeuvre, which includes a video of a fictional little girl getting raped by a transgender person in a bathroom.

Ahead of the postal vote there are signs of the ‘No’ campaign beginning to lay the groundwork for the bait-and-switch.

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott and former Labor leader Mark Latham, both staunch opponents of LGBT equality, have already attempted to tie same-sex marriage to transgender people using the bathroom.

Ahead of the vote Latham appeared to parrot smears from anti-LGBT marriage activists, who have claimed that passing equal marriage will lead to acceptance of a “radical transgender ideology”.

Taking to Twitter, Latham falsely claimed that the law would lead to “TRANSGENDER marriage”, which he opposes.

In reality, transgender people can already get married to partners of the legally-recognised opposite sex.

Related: What the hell is going on with same-sex marriage in Australia?

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