San Francisco activists prepare to fight neo-Nazis with dog poo

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Activists in San Francisco are gearing up to fight against a neo-Nazi rally with dog poo.

Ahead of a neo-Nazi rally due to be held at Crissy Field in the city, dog owners have devised a plan to step in and give them something to step in.

Hundreds of dog poos have been left in the park in the lead up to the rally which is being held by white supremacists.

Some dog owners are even picking up the poo from elsewhere and bringing it to the park to purposefully make the park even more disgusting.

The protest is being led by Tuffy Tuffington.

Tuffington explained that the park won’t be left in the gag-worthy state.

After the supremacists leave, those who left dog poo plan to return and clean it up.

As well as cleaning up the mess, the activists plan to “hug each other” in a mass hug as a display of love.

“I just had this image of alt-right people stomping around in the poop.

“It seemed like a little bit of civil disobedience where we didn’t have to engage with them face to face,” they added.

As well as the dog poo protest, other activists are holding a whole host of protests against the rally.

Drag queen Juanita More and activist Cleve Jones are also hosting an event which will help to raise money for 10 different organisations which are dedicated to the fight against hate and bigotry.

Jones said: “With these kinds of creative actions, we dispel fear.

“We say we’re going to fight you and we’re going to have a ball doing it and we’re going to laugh and love each other.”

The protests against the far-right come after the astonishing events that took place in Charlottesville at the “Unite the Right” march earlier this month.

Protesters chanted “f*ck the faggots” and other discriminatory slurs.

One person was killed at the protest after a car rammed into a group of counter-protesters. 19 more were injured.

In Germany, activists have been trolling neo-Nazi marches for years.

The town of Wunsiedel, where Nazo leader Rudolf Hess was born, each year would see neo-Nazis turn up to march for his birthday.

Numerous counter-protests and attempts to shut the march down were unsuccessful.

However, organisation Rechts gegen Rechts, or Right against Right, decided to troll the right-wingers by encouraging locals and businessess to donate €10 euro for every metre walked by the far-right marchers.

In 2014, the march raised €10,000 which went to EXIT Deutschland.

The organisation is an anti-extremism charity which helps right-wing extremists defect safely from their organisations.

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