Gay short film Shower tells the brutal story of repressed sexuality between two men (NSFW)

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A new short film telling the brutal story of repressed sexuality is causing a stir.

Shower, directed by Henry K. Norvalls, depicts two men showering as they battle against their same-sex attraction for one another.

The film has been released to considerable critical acclaim – named the top short film of the week by a specialist site.

Gay short film Shower tells the brutal story of repressed sexuality between two men (NSFW)

The Norwegian film shows one man in the shower when he overhears another person using the showers and heads off to investigate.

When he discovers the other man seemingly pleasuring himself – though this isn’t completely illustrated – he acts horrified.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks.

“You can’t do that in here!”

Gay short film Shower tells the brutal story of repressed sexuality between two men (NSFW)

“You can watch if you want,” the man replies, with an offer which proves too tempting to resist.

The brief film follows as the men battle their internal desires – the man pleasuring himself encouraging the other to join in.

Eventually he caves in, walking closer to his new-found shower friend.

As he finally caves into his desires, the pair embrace for an intimate moment.

Gay short film Shower tells the brutal story of repressed sexuality between two men (NSFW)

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But the intimacy doesn’t last long – with a horrifying twist.

Written and directed by Henry K. Norvalls and starring Svend Erichsen and Per Magnus Barlaug, the film is being touted as one of the most powerful new LGBT short films, highlighting the horrors which continue due to repressed sexuality.

Watch the short film in full here:

SHOWER from Henry K. Norvalls on Vimeo.

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