Trans tolerance will turn children into animals, parents declare live on This Morning

Parents threatening legal action against a school for being trans inclusive have claimed that children could soon start morphing into animals.

The self-identifying Christians are taking their children’s school to an education tribunal because it allowed a child, who seems to be a trans girl, to wear a dress.

Nigel and Sally Rowe have withdrawn their kids, six and eight, from the school over fears they would be affected by the other child.

Trans tolerance will turn children into animals, parents declare live on This Morning

Appearing on This Morning, the couple claimed it is distressing for children to be around a transgender child.

During the live television interview, Mr Rowe explained that trans acceptance is one step from children self-identifying as animals.

Explaining their fears, the children’s father told hosts Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby: “Society is going to have to decide on this.

“I just want to make a point: how far is it going to go?

Trans tolerance will turn children into animals, parents declare live on This Morning

“Are we going to allow children then to come dressed as animals?

“I mean this is extreme, I agree, but, for example, species dysphoria.

“Do we allow children to then come in [as animals] because they believe they’re an animal?

“I think, how is that going to affect the other children?

“We’ve got to think about the big picture, all the other kids.”

Trans tolerance will turn children into animals, parents declare live on This Morning

The parents arguments got little truck with Philip Schofield, however, who blasted the parents arguments as the interview concluded.

“It’s not an issue with the children, it’s an issue with you,” he told them.

“You’re the ones who have the problem, not the children.”

The couple came to prominence in a video by anti-LGBT lobby group Christian Concern.

They claimed that by allowing the student to present how they wish and not notifying the parents then their rights had not been respected.

At the time of reporting, there have been no known cases of children turning into animals.

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