Sam Smith’s mother knew he was gay at just three years old

Sam Smith says his mother realised he was gay at just three-years-old.

The 25-year-old singer-songwriter revealed his mum Kate realised he was gay way before he came out.

And he was still incredibly young when he opened up about his sexuality – telling friends age just 10.

Reflecting on his coming out in an interview with Sir Elton John, Sam said: “I’d just finished primary school, going into secondary school, and I came out to my best friend when I was nine or 10.

“I was very sure of, and in, myself. When I told my mum she said she always knew, she said she knew when I was three, and my dad just asked if I was absolutely sure.

“And I was sure, even at that age, but they were incredibly supportive.”

The Oscar winner says the track Him, from his soon-to-be-released new album, is a semi-autobiographical take on his childhood story.

In the interview with Attitude magazine, he admitted his late father Frederick feared he would be bullied: “I think my dad was scared for me, because of his own life experience.

“I think he saw a lot of kids get bullied and just felt really nervous for me.”

“Especially when, at 16 and 17, I used to wear a lot of make-up and dressed very differently at school.

“He didn’t have a problem with it, but he was really worried about me.”

The singer’s love life has been the subject of much speculation since his rise to fame, with rumours of a romance with Adam Lambert.

The singer admitted that it even nearly stopped him returning to music, telling Sir Elton: “There was a period, when making the record, that I was in a really bad place. I got dumped, which wasn’t very nice.

“Writing music about that kind of thing is normally like therapy for me, but when I got dumped this time round I just couldn’t write for about two months.

“My team had to force me to get into the studio, because I almost felt as if I didn’t want to do it any more.

“So, there were moments on there where it got a bit intense and I started to lose myself.”

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