Huge anti-equal marriage message written in the sky in Australia

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Anti same-sex marriage campaigners in Australia have taken to the skies today to preach their message.

The words “Vote No,” were written huge across the Sydney skyline this morning.

It comes just days after the start of the nationwide postal vote on equal marriage in Australia.

On Saturday Coalition for Marriage, the main group campaigning against same-sex marriage, launched their campaign in Sydney.

However the group denies any responsibility for the sky message.

A spokeswoman told AAP, “The sky writing is not organised by Coalition for Marriage,” a spokeswoman told AAP.

“It seems to be grassroots action. People are speaking out.”


March for same-sex marriage in Sydney

(Photo by SAEED KHAN/AFP/Getty Images)

On the other side, over 20,000 people gathered in Sydney last week in a huge show of support of equal marriage.

It is believed that the sky message message comes from a Go Fund Me page, which raised over $2,500 this week.

The page’s creator, who is anonymous, wrote “It’s time for traditional Australian’s to take a stand! We have been bullied into silence, condemned for our views and ignored and vilified by the media. Enough is enough!”

People donated money to the page with messages such as “If God intended it, he would have created it that way! #VoteNO”

The online campaign appears to plan to write similar messages in Brisbane and Melbourne.

However donations to the page have had to be frozen, due to the backlash against it.

The page said it has received “hate and threats” from “those who mask their hate with “Equality”.”

The comments include messages such as “I can’t help but wonder if Jesus would be campaigning like this, knowing the hatred and intolerance it would be spreading. I don’t think I ever read about him preaching hate.”

Another asked “How do you sleep at night being on the side of hate, fear and division?”

At the Coalition of Marriage’s campaign launch, Senator Cory Bernardi said the No campaigner were on the “right side of legal and moral history”.

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