Munroe Bergdorf hits back at Doctor Who writer over anti-trans jibes

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Trans model Munroe Bergdorf has hit out at Doctor Who writer Gareth Roberts after he made a number of anti-trans jibes.

PinkNews reported earlier this month that Gareth Roberts, who penned six episodes of the popular sci-fi series, made a number of derisive comments about trans people on Twitter.

He wrote: “I [love] how trannies choose names like Munroe, Paris and Chelsea. It’s never Julie or Bev is it?

“It’s almost like a clueless gayboy’s idea of a glamorous lady. But of course it’s definitely not that.”

After a hostile response, the writer derided the “rainbow cult”, before posting a string of tweets aimed at PinkNews.

His comments earned a response from trans model Munroe Bergdorf, who hit back on her Instagram this week.

Munroe Bergdorf (Photo by Jeff Spicer/Getty Images)

Munroe Bergdorf (Photo by Jeff Spicer/Getty Images)

The model and activist wrote: “People always got shit to say about trans folk. Unless your own house in order. Shut TF up.

“Excuse me for not choosing ‘Bev’ as a name. Do I look like a Bev?

“Munroe was my nickname before I transitioned. My real name is Eva.

“These angry cis white men always got something to say…”

She also shared a message from a friend, who added: “Imagine if straight cis men chose their own names haha imagine what they’d call themselves Muscles or something.”

Roberts is actually gay.

The writer penned a number of iconic Doctor Who episodes spanning David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi’s time on the show.

He last wrote an episode in 2014, when he authored ‘The Caretaker’.

Roberts is not one of the writers rumoured to be working on the upcoming season under new showrunner Chris Chibnall.

Munroe Bergdorf lost her lucrative modelling contract with L’Oreal this month after right-wing tabloids took outrage exception to Facebook posts  she had written about the rise of white supremacy.

The trans model, who was set to be the first out transgender woman to front a L’Oreal campaign in the UK, had insisted “ALL white people” were complicit in perpetuating a culture of racist and white supremacist thought.

She has defended herself repeatedly in the wake of the row, using her platform to eloquently challenge white privilege and racism.

Bergdorf said previously: “Racism isn’t just calling someone something, it’s a whole system. If you think we live in an equal society, you’re living in a daydream.

“You need to recognise that there is such a thing as white privilege and you can be homeless and still have white privilege, because you can still have a better chance of getting out of homelessness than a person of colour in the same position.”

She added: “Racism may be a jagged pill to swallow, but I suggest you force it down quickly if you want to be part of the solution. Doing nothing, does nothing and solves nothing.”


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