TV ad claims children will be forced to ‘celebrate’ gay sex if equal marriage is allowed

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A new TV ad from Australia’s anti-gay marriage camp has claimed that children will be forced to “celebrate” gay sex if same-sex couples can get married.

The ad was launched by the Coalition for Marriage as Australia holds a public vote on whether to allow same-sex marriage.

The new ad, titled ‘Gay sex education’, continues the C4M’s scaremongering campaign which has seen them focus on gay sex and transgender issues in a bid to scare Australians into voting ‘No’.

It features a Canadian dad, Steve Tourloukis, who falsely blames Canada’s equal marriage law for his legal battle with a public school.

Tourloukis sued his son’s school after demanding on ‘religious freedom’ grounds that it exempt his children from all lessons that reference climate change, moral relativism, homosexuality or sex education.

TV ad claims children will be forced to ‘celebrate’ gay sex if equal marriage is allowed

But in the new ad he urges Australians to vote ‘no’ to same-sex marriage to stop the same thing happening to them.

He claims: “You wouldn’t think that two men or two women getting married would have such a profound effect on the educaiton system, but I assure you that it has.

“They said that all students, including my Christian children, should be required to celebrate homosexuality.”

His comments are demonstrably misleading, but the ad has been showing throughout Australia.

The C4M has a large pool of funding that has allowed it to vastly outspend proponents of equal marriage in the country, with a large-scale TV and billboard advertising blitz.

Coalition for Marriage spokesman Lyle Shelton, claime that kids will be “exposed to gay sex and gender theory” if the vote passes.

He insisted: “This is a direct consequence of the change in marriage law. Once you take gender out of marriage, you take it out of the classroom.

“”This will only get worse if the law on marriage is changed; parents will lose their right to object.

“Australian parents can stand up against these radical programs being forced upon their kids by voting ‘no’.”

The Coalition for Marriage has become the primary ‘No’ campaign in the country as it heads to the polls in a postal ballot on whether to allow same-sex marriage.

The group bills itself as a “grassroots movement” that will be on “the front line to defend traditional marriage in Australia”.

Recent polling showed that support for equal marriage had dropped sharply in Australia, as anti-gay marriage activists continue the scaremongering campaign focused on unrelated issues.

The country’s anti-LGBT lobby has taken to branding the same-sex marriage proposals ‘transgender marriage’ in a bid to adopt US-style ‘wedge issue’ tactics.

In a release earlier this month, anti-gay marriage activists took the claims to a bizarre extreme – using fears about transgender women to try and convince lesbians to vote against equal marriage.

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