Woman fears for life as homophobe pelts her pro-same sex marriage house with rocks

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

When a postal vote on the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia was confirmed, many warned it would lead to divisions and homophobic attacks.

These warnings appear to have been well-founded, with several incidents of homophobic graffiti and vandalism against properties and signs in favour of a Yes vote.

Brisbane resident Olivia Hill, 22, was one of many people supporting a Yes vote, and covered her own home with rainbow flags and signs.

The signs had a series of messages in support of same-sex marriage, including “Vote Yes 4 Marriage Equality”, “Love Makes a Family” and “Equal Love”.

A broken window at Larissa Baldwin and Olivia Hill's home (Larissa Baldwin/Facebook)
A broken window at Larissa Baldwin and Olivia Hill’s home (Larissa Baldwin/Facebook)

The house in Woolloongabba had several windows smashed by a man who then yelled homophobic slurs, ABC News reports.

“I heard this man yelling, ‘what the f**k is this shit?’” Hill said.

“I thought ‘this is how I die’ — I die at the hands of this homophobe that is outside my house right now.”

What the hell is going on with same-sex marriage in Australia?

She added: “I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared in my life. I thought that was it.”

Larissa Baldwin, who lives with Olivia Hill, posted on Facebook about the incident.

“Last night some guy threw a bunch of rocks through our front windows and smashed them,” she said.

“It’s so f**ked, there is glass everywhere in our house. We’re ok, friends came over to wait until the police got there.”

She continued: “I’m so angry, this is so f**ked. But to be honest this violence doesn’t compare to what many people within the LGBTQIA community have gone through – at the end of the day this is a house, not a person.

“If you want to live in world without hate and bigotry then we have to be willing to work to make it a reality.

“We can fix the windows. We’re not taking our signs down. Please post your Yes!

Police confirmed that there were three other homes in the nearby area sporting rainbow flags which had suffered similar attacks, with Nazi swastikas being painted on fences and signs.

Anti-gay grafitti in Australia (Imgur/ecarter6)
Anti-gay grafitti in Australia (Imgur/ecarter6)

The Sydney Morning Herald also reported on the painting of swastikas on homes and on Sydney trains.

“Vote no! to fags” and “faggots not welcome” were painted on the train to Circular Quay, with images posted to Reddit by user ecarter6.

A Sydney Trains spokesperson said that the offending graffiti had been reported last week and “immediately removed”.

Those voting in the postal survey may be amused to see that some ballots have the word BUMSEX written as part of the barcode.

There have been fears that the postal survey is less-than secure, with dozens of abandoned votes being found by one Australian mother in her backyard.

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