Gay erotic art found in home of senior official of homophobic Christian group

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - AUGUST 13: A detail of the cross necklace worn by The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby as he speaks during a press conference ahead of Archbishop Philip Freier's inauguration as Primate of Austalia at The Cathedral Chapter House on August 13, 2014 in Melbourne, Australia. It is the first visit to Australia by the spiritual head of the worldwide Anglican Communion since 1997. (Photo by Scott Barbour/Getty Images)

A painting depicting anal sex has been found in the home of a senior officer of a virulently anti-LGBT+ organisation.

Lee LaHaye, now deceased, was the former Chief Financial Officer for the Concerned Women for America.

The CWfA opposes same-sex marriage, abortion and pornography, as well as international organisations like the United Nations.

LaHaye’s home, located in Washington DC, was recently put up for sale.

A journalist stopped to look at the house, but didn’t originally know who the house previously belonged to.

He was shocked to find an explicit homosexual painting hanging in the living room.

And his shock was amplified when he found out who the owner of the house had been.

The painting shows three men engaging in anal sex.

It was reported that the painting was being sold along with several others of LaHaye’s belongings.

LaHaye was the youngest son of Beverly LaHaye, the CWfA’s organisation founder and chair.


He never publicly came out during his life.

LaHaye met and married his husband last year.

The husband was not home during the estate sale.

His hateful group spoke out against Hallmark’s LGBT+ themed greeting cards in 2008.

It stated that corporations should be “protecting American culture from those forces that would destroy the family and create a public environment that is detrimental to general well-being, especially children’s well-being.”

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