Politician warns gay people will create a new country with Same Love as national anthem

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

An ultra-conservative politician in Australia has got a bit confused after hearing the term ‘gay anthem’.

Australia was enveloped in a row last month after leading politicians tried to censor a Macklemore performance of the track Same Love, which includes lyrics supporting gay equality.

The performance went ahead unhindered on Sunday, though a number of radio stations obediently cut the live feed and censored the song.

But discussions in the media referring to the track as a ‘gay anthem’ have got anti-LGBT politician Fred Nile all confused.

Nile, who heads the Christian Democratic Party and sits on the Legislative Council of New South Wales, was very worried to hear that gays have adopted their own anthem.

In a release, he warned: “The homosexual lobby has its own Olympics, its own award ceremonies in the cultural arena, its own flag, and now we are told they will have their own ‘anthem’.

“What next? Are they going to start handing out their own separate homosexual citizenships? Who is doing the dividing here?”

Politician warns gay people will create a new country with Same Love as national anthem

He added: “The poison of identity politics is ripping our society apart. And this poison is being peddled by the ‘Yes’ extremists who are hell bent on putting Australian against Australian.

“This is not acceptable, whatever your opinion might be.”

Of course, it might have helped Nile to Google the term ‘anthem’ before sending out his terrified press release.

Since we apparently need to explain this, although the word ‘anthem’ is included in the term ‘National Anthem’, it does not in itself convey statehood.

It means “a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause”.

Presumably Mr Nile is very worried that the Dance community is also creating divisions in society.

Politician warns gay people will create a new country with Same Love as national anthem

While we’re at it, football fans  should probably also be banned from getting married.

We have it on very good authority that football teams often have ‘anthems’, clearly laying the groundwork for them to issue their own separate citizenships.

Politician warns gay people will create a new country with Same Love as national anthem

Mr Nile will be terrified to hear that a part of Australia has already fallen to the homosexuals.

The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands, located off the Australian coast, was declared an independent nation in a 200 PR stunt by a group of LGBT activists protesting Australia’s ban on same-sex marriage.

The island claims to be “100% homosexual”, and its king Dale Parker Anderson, “is directly descendant from the murdered gay King of England, Edward II”.

Just a few months after its creation, in September 2004, the Kingdom declared a state of war against the Commonwealth of Australia.

The plaque marking its creation says: “On the 14th day of June 2004, at this highest point in the Coral Sea, Emperor Dale Parker Anderson raised the gay rainbow flag and claimed the islands of the Coral Sea in his name as homeland for the gay and lesbian peoples of the world. God Save our King!”

The National Anthem of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands is in fact ‘Zadok the Priest’.

Nile has a history of making inflammatory remarks. The evangelical Christian believes being gay is “immoral, unnatural and abnormal.”

Politician warns gay people will create a new country with Same Love as national anthem

In 2007 he described Sydney Mardi Gras as a “travesty” and said it was indecent and obscene. Nile also warned that lowering the age of consent for gay people would encourage paedophilia.

Following a 2011 announcement by former finance minister Penny Wong, that her same-sex partner was pregnant, Reverend Nile said: “I’m totally against a baby being brought up by two mothers.”

He has decried same-sex marriage as an “abomination”, insisting: “The Almighty God the Creator has stated homosexual Same-Sex sexual relations are an ABOMINATION that is something God’s [sic] hates. Can anyone vote for it?”

Nonetheless key figures in the No campaign have flocked to Nile.

An anti-gay pamphlet produced by Nile, titled Family World News, proclaims “IN THE BEGINNING ALMIGHTY GOD CREATED ADAM AND EVE NOT ADAM AND STEVE!”

The pamphlet features contributions from key members of the Coalition for Marriage including Senator Eric Abetz, the former Leader of the Government in the Senate, and Lyle Shelton of Australian Christian Lobby.

Abetz claimed: “It is a matter of regret so many others can’t see through the glibness of ‘love is love’ and “marriage equality’.

“If these glib meaningless phrases are to be given any genuine meaning, then ‘love is love’ in all situations and ‘marriage equality’ should be open to all – as the Greens assert.

“If this is the standard then who is to judge the quality/type/validity of any love – within families, with more than just one other, or indeed why not the Eiffel Tower?”

Nile has previously referred to PinkNews as “the Taliban in Technicolour”

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