Gender-neutral emojis are coming really soon, and people are excited

PinkNews logo surrounded by illustrated images including a rainbow, unicorn, PN sign and pride flag.

Gender-neutral emojis are coming.

On Monday, everyone with an Apple phone will be able to access a bank of new symbols approved by the Unicode Consortium earlier this year.

Genderless adults (Apple)
Genderless adults (Apple)

Dozens of emojis will be added with the iOS 11.1 update.

And for the first time, this will include specifically “genderless” emojis.

Genderless kids (Apple)
Genderless kids (Apple)

These gender-neutral faces will be split into three categories: kids, adults and seniors.

In the woke style of current-day emojis, all of these will be available in five different skin tones.

Genderless seniors (Apple)
Genderless seniors (Apple)

Three hair colours will also be present in the kids and adults emojis.

But there’s bad news for this intolerant Twitter user.


Gender-neutral emojis are also coming to Android devices.


Tons more people are delighted, however, heaping praise on those responsible.




Someone said, in a tone we can only assume was awe-struck: “apple are bringing out new gender neutral emojis. 2017 is amazing.”


Another fan wrote: “YES!!! Finally gender neutral ones, and FINALLY an expletives face! Much needed!”


The move is welcome news after it was revealed in August that a sad poop, lobster and lacrosse stick and ball were chosen to be emojis in 2018 over the much sought-after transgender pride flag.

Activists have been calling for the pink, white and blue emblem to join the rainbow flag as an emoji, in order to provide trans people with better representation.

We can’t help but wonder what chat show host Piers Morgan thinks of the gender-neutral update, though.

Morgan sparked outrage when he called gender fluid people “absurd” earlier this year.

He then attacked Kori Doty, a non-binary parent who has been battling to exclude new baby Searyl’s biological sex from their birth certificate, in the Mail on Sunday.

“My number one pet hate at the moment is the absurd ‘gender fluid’ movement, driven by people who don’t wish to be defined as either male or female,” Morgan wrote.

When Doty was on GMB, Morgan asked them if they were “born male or female” and repeatedly badgered them about their genitals.

The TV presenter has been angrily hitting out against gender-neutral and non-binary concepts and people for months.

piers morgan

He lashed out against Emma Watson after she picked up the gender-neutral Best Actor prize at the MTV TV and Movie Awards in May.

He went on a bizarre rant in which he suggested he would call himself “an Arsenal tragic gender,” then said he might wear a dress at the news that a London school was instituting gender-neutral uniforms.

And the chat show host continued his rampage by telling a trans non-binary couple that non-binary children were “a contagion” and that “two or three” trans kids died from suicide last year.

A 2014 study found that 48 percent of trans people under 26 in Britain had attempted suicide.

He also said that identifying as non-binary is “a massive new fad”.

Stonewall called him “bigoted and transphobic” after he made these comments, but this did not stop him.

Despite having taken part in the charity’s Rainbow Laces campaign in the past, he responded by childishly calling Stonewall “bigoted & Piers-phobic”.

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