Porn king Larry Flynt offers $10 million to anyone who can help impeach Trump

Larry Flynt, the porn mogul most known for the publishing of Hustler magazine, has today taken out a full-page ad in the Sunday edition of the Washington Post, calling on people to dig up dirt on Donald Trump.

In the ad he offers up to $10 million to anyone who can help unearth the “smoking gun” that could be the key to the president’s impeachment.

In an ad without pictures – made up only of block text, he assures the reader that this is not a “sour-grapes plot,” but a fulfilment of his “patriotic duty.”

“After nine tumultuous months in office, Trump has proven he’s dangerously unfit to exercise the extreme power accrued by our new “unitary executive,” the ad reads.

Larry Flynt

Larry Flynt (Photo by David Livingston/Getty Images)

He provides six charges against Trump including “colluding with a hostile foreign power,” “inciting violent civil strife with his racial dog-whistling,” “telling hundreds of bald-faced lies,” and “gross nepotism.”

Just days ago, Trump became the first president to address the conference of a recognised anti-LGBT hate group, where he told homophobes they would “no longer be silenced.”

Flynt then says the biggest concern about Trump is the possibility that he may incite nuclear world war.

The full-page advert (from Washington Post)

Flynt says he believes that somewhere there is a piece of evidence that could solidify impeachment, that proves financial dealings with Russia or illegal business dealings.

“We need to flush everything out into the open,” Flynt says. And he’s willing to spend millions of dollars to do it.

The bottom of the ad contains a charge-free telephone hotline and an email address, and Flynt told the Post in a telephone interview that he expected to receive information in just a few days.

He defended offering money for information, saying “just because you pay for it does not mean it’s not any good.”

This is not the first time Flynt, a supporter of LGBT rights and self-proclaimed “progressive liberal,” has used these methods to work against conservative politicians.

In 1998 incoming House Speaker Bob Livingston resigned after Flynt received information against him, and in 2012 he offered $1 million dollars for information on Mitt Romney’s unreleased tax returns.

“Impeachment would be a messy, contentious affair,” Flynt wrote in the ad. “But the alternative — three more years of destabilizing dysfunction — is worse.”

“I feel it is my patriotic duty, and the duty of all Americans, to dump Trump before it’s too late.”

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