Tangled star Mandy Moore opens up about her lesbian mother and gay brothers

Mandy Moore

Singer and actress Mandy Moore has given a heartfelt interview, opening up about her lesbian mother and two gay brothers.

The Tangled star revealed last year that she comes from ‘the least traditional’ family.

In an interview with Byrdie, Moore said: “I’ve never really talked about this, but my parents are divorced. My mother left my father for a woman. And both of my two brothers are gay.”

In a new interview with People magazine, the actress and singer reflected on her family life and how they are all “extraordinarily close,” especially after her mother and brothers came out.

Moore said: “Nobody is hiding who they are. There are no secrets in our lives.”

“I love and support my mom and my brothers with my whole heart. And nothing makes me happier than seeing anybody live their authentic self and to choose love.”

She added: “If anyone can find love, I support it, I salute you, and I celebrate that.”

Moore is currently co-starring in the hit US show ‘This is Us’ which has been praised for it’s honest and varied portrayals of LGBT+ people.

(Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images)

The actress added that she “definitely won’t stand for” prejudice or intolerance against LGBT people.

Moore then spoke about how the conversation surrounding LGBT issues has changed in recent years.

“I feel like we’re at a time in our culture when we’re able to have a much more open dialogue,” she said.

“I’m encouraged and excited that eventually, we’re going to get to a point where none of this matters. Sexual preference or orientation just won’t factor in anymore.”

The actress continued: “I think we’re inching closer to that.”

Moore also reflected on her music career and how her personal experiences have shifted since her last album in 2009.

She said: “Now I could write all about that stuff with my eyes closed. A divorced woman. I have so much to say.”

Although Moore has not formally announced plans to break her eight-year musical hiatus, she told ABC News earlier this year that she does miss being a singer.

“I miss writing. I miss performing. I miss making records,” she said.

Last year, Moore appeared in a star-studded music video in support of the Democrats and Hillary Clinton.

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