Man gets eel stuck up his bum, refuses to tell doctors how it got there

Imagine this.

You’re writhing in pain on the way to hospital, a rabid creature flailing inside your body ready to harvest on your internal organs, yet you just won’t tell the doctor how it got there.

This is what a man in China did when he had to have an eel removed from his anus.

WARNING: Some images below might be unsuitable for some users

Arriving at the hospital drunk, the man in his 40s, who refused to be named, was operated on in Nanchang University hospital after the eel had wriggled up his body and caused a serious obstruction.

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Operated on by a team of doctors, the eel, which is also a culinary delicacy in China, was removed after it was found nestling alongside his intestines.

Some pretty graphic photos of the ordeal can be found here if you’re that way inclined.


Apparently, this is the not the first time this year that a story like this has come to light.

In April, a man in Guangdong Province, China  had the same species of eel removed from his intestines after he shoved one of the animals up his anus “to cure constipation”.

Another man found himself in hospital after his friends shoved an eel up his anus for a prank.


The man may be embarrassed, but he is not alone in sharing such orifice-related trauma.


Watch a video of the eel extraction below

A few years ago a man in Auckland had to ask doctors to remove an eel the size of a “decent sprig of asparagus” from his bum.

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“The eel was about the size of a decent sprig of asparagus and the incident is the talk of the place,” a hospital source told the New Zealand Herald

“Doctors and nurses have come across people with strange objects that have got stuck where they shouldn’t be before, but an eel has to be a first.”


A woman was sent to hospital after she got a toy dinosaur stuck in her vagina.


Insisting that the toy was her son’s and it got trapped, one nurse had some pretty hilarious advice.

“I don’t advise inserting children’s toys during sexual activity, however if you do choose to masturbate with a toy dinosaur, I recommend buying your own, and perhaps putting it in a condom, or tying a leash to its foot,” warned nurse Poppy Ward.

If you are that way inclined and feeling brave, watch a video of the eel xtraction below:

Or if insterting things isn’t your thing, you could take a very painful leaf out of this tattoo artist’s book.

In front of an engrossed audience at the Defibrillator Gallery in Chicago, Spanish artist Abel Azcona crouched over and spread his cheeks for a tattoo artist.

Two “very painful” hours later, he had the iconic “Make America Great Again” message permanently tattooed in a circle around his anus, with stars at the beginning and end for added effect.

Man gets eel stuck up his bum, refuses to tell doctors how it got there
Chocolate anus

Or if you want to share it with someone else, a company has launched which allows you to create a chocolate cast of your anus to give to a loved one.

Made with pure Belgian chocolate, and no preservatives, the ‘Edible Anus’ allows lovers to mould and give away their private bits.

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