This lesbian couple in Australia are finally getting married after being together for 44 years

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A lesbian couple from Australia will finally be able to get married, with the country’s law expected to change.

Georgia Carr, 64, and Susan MacFarlane, 66, first got together in 1974, when being gay was still illegal.

The women were 21 and 23 respectively when they fell in love, and at the time they had never even heard the term “lesbian”.

They have been planning their wedding long before Australia voted “Yes” to same-sex marriage, but now they are finally able to have their dream day.

Speaking to the Daily Mail Australia, the couple explained that when they first got together, they thought of themselves as “heterosexuals who happened to fall in love”.

They also revealed that they both had boyfriends when they got together, but the “deep magnetism” they felt between each other kept growing for “months” before they finally couldn’t stay apart.

The couple admitted to feeling as though they could not be together because Georgia wanted a baby, something the two women felt they would be unable to have as a gay couple.

The complete lack of eduction on LGBT relationships, as well as existing taboo left the women “fumbling in the dark in more ways than one,” according to Georgia.

“I didn’t know the world lesbian, school hadn’t prepared me for this and it wasn’t reflected in the television or film at the time,” Susan added.

At one point they even broke up because of this, but got back together when they realised they just couldn’t stay apart.

“But after a few months I thought to myself ‘why would I give up the greatest love in the world for something that may not give me happiness'”, Georgia said.

The couple did have their own “wedding” at their 10 year anniversary, and invited friends to celebrate their union even though it was not legally recognised.

They do, however, plan to finally get legally married as soon as the legislation for same-sex marriage passes, and they are hoping to do it in time for their 44th anniversary on 6th January.

“We have the celebrant ready to go and I have already ordered rainbow organza, there will be rainbows everywhere,” Susan said.

The inspiring couple say they have stayed together thanks to their commitment and love for one another.

“We make special time for each other, celebrate out anniversaries and keep up with each other.”

“After 43 years we still haven’t run out of things to say.”

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