Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves in rehab after being hospitalised

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Rodrigo Alves, known around the world as the ‘Human Ken Doll’, has been admitted to rehab.

The plastic surgery obsessive was taken into hospital in Britain after returning from a weekend of partying.

The 34-year-old was hospitalised following a string of Halloween parties in LA, which he says left him “burned out”.

Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves in rehab after being hospitalised

He has now joined a detox camp in Delhi, India, which he says has been “life changing”.

Rodrigo has abandoned alcohol and solid foods altogether in a bid to regain his wellbeing after the health shock.

Speaking to the Mail Online, he said: “This experience has made me realise that there is so much more to life than drinking champagne and going to parties.

“I’m still going to carry on being the party lover Roddy but with moderation.”

The Brazilian born socialite, who is gay, is also due to appear in a major Bollywood film playing the role of a Danish prince.

He said: “Growing up my influences were Disney and I have always wanted to look like a prince.

“And now I have the chance to be one and look like one.”

Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves in rehab after being hospitalised

Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves in rehab after being hospitalised

Rodrigo also recently met his fellow human Ken doll, Justin Jedlica.

Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves in rehab after being hospitalised

The Indian rehab isn’t the socialite’s only drastic change of late.

He vowed to never has plastic surgery again after a shock detention by Dubai immigration police.

The body obsessive has spent hundreds of thousands on changing aspects of his body.

Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves in rehab after being hospitalised

The plastic surgery enthusiast was prevented from entering Dubai for hours after officers questioned the authenticity of official documents.

His face is unrecognisable from ID after years of extreme cosmetic work.

He told MailOnline: “This experience has made me think a lot and made me analyse myself and the decisions I’ve made in the past.

“But I can’t change them, so from now on it will be constant maintenance, maintenance.

“The kind of changes I’ll be undergoing from now on won’t be plastic surgery as such but rather procedures that focus on my bones and structure.

“It took me 15 years to become the Rodrigo Alves that you see today, now I have few more years to become something else.

“I just get bored of the same old look and I like to challenge myself.”

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