Everyone in this family of four is transgender

A family has hit the news- because they’re all transgender.

Daniel and Shirley from Queen Creek, Arizona, have given a heartfelt interview with KJZZ, where they talked about their shared experiences of being trans.

Shirley said: “The whole family is in transition.”

The family is made up of Daniel and his fiancée, Shirley, along with their two children, Mason and Joshua.

Coming out has been a bonding experience for the family. Daniel spoke about how positive the step had been for him and his family, saying: “It feels like you’re getting to live for the first time.

“My children are getting to be who they’ve always wanted to be.”

(Photo: Daniel Harrott/ Facebook)

Daniel learned about being transgender from his children, discovering the idea of being trans when Joshua wanted to join the Girl Scouts, despite being assigned male at birth.

“And when I finally looked it up, and I realized, ‘Oh my gosh, they’re trans, and I know it’s true – because I am, too, and it’s been my whole life,” he said.

Shortly after this, Joshua came out as a trans girl, followed by her brother Mason coming out as a trans boy.

(Photo: Daniel Harrott/ Facebook)

Daniel then began to question his own identity, changing how he dressed and cutting his hair short.

He recalled the moment that he realised, during a shopping trip trying on more masculine clothes. Daniel said: “I opened my eyes, looked in that dressing room mirror and went, ‘Oh this is it. This is perfect. This is me.”

Related: Trans man is first person to give birth both before and after transitioning

(DEREK R. HENKLE/AFP/Getty Images)

Shortly after Daniel came out as trans, Daniel and Shirley met.

The couple bonded over many things, including the fact that they were both previously married prior to transitioning.

As Shirley began transitioning, she thought she would end up being single forever. She said:“I was never accepted before by people that really loved me, and we were married.”

(Photo: Creative Commons)

Shirley was quickly accepted by the rest of Daniel’s family and has now found a happy home with her fiance and two children.

She said: “It was so freeing because I knew I could be me, and they’re going to understand me for who I am.”

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