The kid who spoke out to defend his two moms is now grown up, and he’s running for office

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A teen who famously told lawmakers to respect the rights of his same-sex parents is now an adult – and he’s running for office.

Zach Wahls who was raised by his two lesbians mothers in Iowa, made headlines in 2011 when he spoke to lawmakers in the state to urge them not to pass an anti-gay marriage law.

Aged 19 at the time, Wahls stood before the Iowa House Judiciary Committee and urged Republicans to scrap their plans to push a constitutional amendment banning recognition of same-sex unions.

He spoke movingly about his own experience of being raised by two mothers who were denied the right to marry, and the love that they gave him.

The kid who spoke out to defend his two moms is now grown up, and he’s running for office

A clip of the speech went viral, receiving almost 20 million views on YouTube.

But the GOP in the state continue to oppose equality, and Zach, now 26, has had enough.

He this week announced that he would be running as a Democrat in next year’s elections for the Iowa Senate.

He this week announced that he would be running as a Democrat in next year’s elections for the Iowa Senate.

Mr Wahl is planning to stand in Iowa’s District 37, a seat currently held by retiring Democratic lawmaker Bob Dvorsky.

The kid who spoke out to defend his two moms is now grown up, and he’s running for office

The candidate announced the run on Twitter, writing: “Remember that young man from Iowa who spoke to the Iowa legislature a few years ago about growing up with two moms?

“Hi. That was me — and today, I’m announcing my campaign to join the Iowa legislature. I hope you’ll support our campaign.”

The candidate is also the founder of Scouts for Equality, a group that convinced the Boy Scouts of America to end a ban on gay scouts, despite immense pressure from the Mormon Church.

The kid who spoke out to defend his two moms is now grown up, and he’s running for office
(Photo: NoH8)

Mr Wahl shared a link to a fundraiser with a testimonial from his former teacher Mitch Gross, who spoke about the candidate’s LGBT activism.

Mr Gross explained: “I still remember Zach as a student, before he gave his now-famous speech to the Iowa legislature about his two moms. He was thoughtful, listened carefully in class, supported his classmates, and worked hard.

“A few years after he graduated, I watched the video of his short speech to the Iowa legislature about growing up with lesbian parents here in Iowa. In the aftermath of his speech, I helped support him as he navigated the incredible amount of attention he gained and responsibility he shouldered after the video went viral.”

The kid who spoke out to defend his two moms is now grown up, and he’s running for office

He added: “I watched, and assisted where necessary, as he took up the cause of marriage equality here in Iowa, and LGBT rights across the country.

“He’s an Eagle Scout, and he co-founded Scouts for Equality, an organization of former Scouts that led the fight to end discrimination against LGBT people in the Boy Scouts of America.

“But along the way, he never forgot where he came from. He was always willing to meet with students and young people in our area to remind them about the importance of treating all people with respect, including at our high school and at the University of Iowa.”

The kid who spoke out to defend his two moms is now grown up, and he’s running for office

He added: “Healthcare, education, and workers’ rights are under attack here in Iowa, and we need somebody like Zach who can stand up and speak truth to power.

“Even though it feels like it was just yesterday that he was a student in my U.S. History class, he already has a strong track record of leadership and doing the right thing.

“My wife and I are co-chairing his campaign because we know he’ll bring people together to fight for the values we all share, and I hope you’ll join us in supporting him.”

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