7 of the best posts about coming out at Christmas

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The internet certainly does not disappoint when it comes to coming out during the holidays.

Christmas is sometimes the only time of year where the whole family is together in one room meaning that a lot of people come out in the festive season, and many people have thoughts on this.

1. Use the decorations

7 of the best posts about coming out at Christmas
(Photo: @c-r-y-for-help/ Tumblr)

Some people take a more subtle approach with their declarations.

2. When in doubt, use a flag

7 of the best posts about coming out at Christmas

Others are more obvious.

3. This heartwarming story

Other people get straight to the point, as Reddit user sin_nombres recounts.

“On Christmas eve my 14 year old cousin gathered about 15 members of the family down in the basement. He stood in front of us, nervous as ever, told us he loved us so much and that he had something he needed to share.

“After stumbling over his words and asking us not to think of him any differently, he simply said, “I’m gay.”

“We all rushed up to him to give him hugs and tell him that we loved him and nothing was different. I for one am incredibly proud of him; I can’t even imagine the kind of nauseating nerves he would have had at that moment.

“But he did it. And I’m also extremely proud of my traditional Catholic family whose first thought was only to let him know how much we love him.”

4. Coming out- the music video

One woman took her coming out story to another level by making an entire music video of the event.

7 of the best posts about coming out at Christmas
(Photo: Kelly DiPaola /Youtube)

Kelly had made ‘ally’ t-shirts to give to each of her relatives to go along with her declaration: “Merry Christmas, surprise, I’m gay.”

7 of the best posts about coming out at Christmas
(Photo: Kelly DiPaola /Youtube)

She had even put it on a sign, with a backup banner just in case her relatives didn’t quite believe her.

The beautiful music video has reached tens of thousands of hits on Youtube.

5. A ‘crafty’ way of coming out of the closet

7 of the best posts about coming out at Christmas
(Photo: Keegeroni / Imgur)

One teen showed the internet their creative way of coming out to their family last year.

The teen, known as Keegeroni on the image sharing platform, made a family present with a surprise twist inside.

7 of the best posts about coming out at Christmas
(Photo: Keegeroni / Imgur)

The rainbow flag is a nice touch.

6. Outed by chocolate?

7 of the best posts about coming out at Christmas
(Photo:@EPISTAXIST /Twitter)

As well as being one of the best Christmas chocolates (no arguing in the comments, it’s true) Ferrero Rochers are apparently gay.

7. A Christmas coming out theme tune

The London Gay Men’s Chorus, a choir who recently made headlines with their version of ‘The Circle of Life’ this summer, put a humorous spin on coming out during the festive season.

So in the words of the London Gay Men’s Chorus: “Make this Christmas bright and gay. Come on out on Christmas Day.”

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