Christian college students start campaign to tackle bigotry

A powerful new campaign has been started by students at a Christian college wanting to tackle anti-LGBT bigotry.

The #95_stories social media campaign was started by students of Hope College in Holland, Michigan.

The campaign, which started on 1 December, allows minority students including LGBT+ people to share one line anonymous stories or comments about experiences of dealing with bigotry.

Many of the comments are those which have been said to students and shine a light on issues faced by LGBT+ students.

A spokesperson for the group, Joshua Chun Wah Kam, told M Live: “We want to change the culture and hearts… I hope as people read these stories they are asking themselves some questions.”

Adding: “Am I someone that’s been hurting others? If not reflected in these stories, am I complicit? What can I do to help? How can I be an ally?”

One submission from a bisexual Christian reads: “They said I didn’t belong at a Christian college as part of the LGBTQ community”.

Another adds: “He didn’t actually rape you; men can’t be raped.”

The Twitter account sharing the other responses is available here.

Administrators at Hope College back in 2015 allowed gay married couples affiliated with their school to now be granted the same benefits as straight couples.

Hope College is connected with the reformed Church in America.


“In employment policy and practice, Hope College has always followed the state’s legal definition of marriage.” Said John Knapp, president of Hope College, reported Blaze.

“Spouses are eligible for benefits so long as their marriage is legally recognized by the state of Michigan.” He continued.

The director of public affairs and marketing at the college, Jennifer Fellinger, said the college doesn’t have a different set of standards or policies for gay couples, compared to straight couples.

“As it has in the past, Hope College welcomes students, staff and faculty based on their ability to contribute to the life of the college, not on their sexual orientation or marital status.” She said to the Holland Sentinel.

However, the respect for gay unions does not transfer into the campus chapel. The Blaze reported that all marriages performed in the campus chapel must conform to the Reformed Church in America’s definition of marriage, which is a, “joyous covenanting between a man and a woman.”

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